Chapter 11

167 14 4

Dan's POV

I am swimming. But I'm not swimming in water. It's neither a gas nor a liquid. But it's jet black. I'm not even really swimming, just sort of floating, my limbs flailing. Some people would find this scene very calming, or relaxing. Just floating around. But not me. I can't breathe. The whatever-it-is is suffocating me. Pressing down on my chest, I can't breathe. It is crawling down my throat and infecting my insides. I want to scream. But I can't. Instead I suffer in silence until the time when the black substance drowns me.


Suddenly I was awoken by the slam of the front door. A loud booming voice rings through the house, making me flinch. "Daniel, daddy's home!"

Drunk again.


A/N: I don't like this one and it's really short but I owed you guys an update.

Stay cuddly, my teddy bears!


Everything Will Be Okay (Phan)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora