Chapter 6: La casa de Phil

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As I opened my eyes, my hand went straight to the throbbing pain in my temple. A moan escaped my mouth as I felt a shooting pain in my ribs. When my vision focused more, I saw a familiar face hovering above my own. My heart melted as I got lost in those chocolate-brown eyes.

A smile stretched across that beautiful face when he discovered my own blue eyes were open once again. He held his notebook in front of my face, and it read:
"Are you okay?"
"Oh, I'm fabulous." I said sarcastically. But when I saw Dan's eyes cloud over with hurt, I added, "Sorry, I didn't mean to be so harsh."
"It's okay. Stupid question really." He wrote.
"How long was I out?" I asked, pushing myself into a sitting position.
Dan held up one, two, three fingers.
"Three minutes?" I asked hopefully. When Dan shook his head, I sighed, saying, "Three hours." He nodded. "And you stayed here the whole time?" Dan nodded again. "You really didn't have to. I don't want you to waste your time and effort on me."
Dan reached for his notebook, and wrote: "I wanted to stay. Isn't that what friends are for?"
I smiled, and said, "Thank you." I paused, then continued, "It's already almost last period. What do you say we skip our last lessons and head to my house." I prepared myself for a refusal. Who would want to hang out with me?

Dan looked slightly uncomfortable, glancing at the nearby classrooms with apprehension before nodding. "I'd love to. But won't your parents mind?" He wrote.

I sighed. "They're hardly home. Constantly working. They're doctors, see?" Dan nodded in reply before getting to his feet and offering a hand to help me up. I gladly grabbed his hand, heaving myself to a standing position. I paused, steadying myself as I became light-headed and swayed slightly for a second or two. I felt Dan grab my elbow in an attempt to steady me. After a few seconds I reluctantly pulled away from the brunette, muttering: "Woah, I'm okay now."

Dan nodded and we set off down the corridor, soon emerging into the bright sunlight but chilling wind that is a mid-January afternoon. We walked in silence, but it wasn't like that weird, awkward silence you would expect to feel between two boys who only met a couple of days ago; it was comfortable. It felt like I had known Dan for years by the way we could tell what the other person wanted to say without them actually having to say it.

It was... really nice.

When we finally arrived at my house, I unlocked the door and swung it open, spreading my arms and said, "Welcome to la casa de Phil!"


Okay, so I finally updated (and sorry it's kinda short but I'll try and make the next chapter longer). Thank you so much for all the comments and votes and just general support on my author's note. I'm so thankful that you guys all understand and I hope you're okay with the decision I've made:

I am going to continue with this story but I'm only going to update when I have time. Updates could take any time between a couple of days or a month or two, so don't sit around waiting for an update every week or anything. I'm not going to set myself any deadlines because it stresses me out when I don't meet them and I feel really disappointed in myself. So I will update when I update.

But anyway, thanks for reading, voting and commenting!

Stay adorable, my kittens!

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