Chapter 5: A new target

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When it came to break time between first and second period, I was shocked to find Dan march up to me with a less than pleased expression on his face the minutes he laid eyes on me. He shoved a piece of paper at me and waited, tapping his foot while I read the note. It read:

You stood me up! We agreed we would walk to school together. I was outside your house at 8am sharp and you didn't show. I was waiting around for ages, convinced you had just slept in or something. I knocked on the door multiple times and no one answered. Then I was late for first period and my teacher wanted an explanation but I couldn't bring myself to talk to her and she just stood there, looking at me like I was stupid and I started crying and everyone laughed at me and I spent the rest of the lesson in the toilets.

When I finished reading and looked up from the paper, I saw a single tear escape from Dan's watery eye and speed down his cheek, leaving a wet track behind in its wake. He was not looking at me, instead focusing his glance at the wall behind me, his chocolate-brown eyes glassy and unfocused, bloodshot from crying.

An enormous bubble of guilt developed in my stomach and tears started to cascade down my face. I threw myself at the broken boy in front of me, wrapping my arms tight around his torso.

"I'm so so so sorry for leaving you this morning. I swear, I never meant to ditch you. I know there's no real excuse why I would just leave and not wait for you but I had a nightmare and when I woke up, I completely forgot we were even supposed to be meeting. I'm so sorry." I babbled, swatting the tears off of my face, then added, "Please forgive me. I don't want to lose you."

Slowly, I felt those small arms wrap theirselves around my shaking form. That's when I heard Vince's evil cackle. "Look lads, the fag's found a new fuck buddy."

In that moment, Dan and I sprung out of the hug, retreating from the bullies. "Who's your little friend, Lester?" Vince asked, an evil tone hiding in his voice and a look of hunger emerging in his eyes.

When I refused to answer, Vince turned on Dan, "Well, what's your name?" he almost yelled at the small boy, as if he thought Dan were deaf. I could see the look of helplessness residing in Dan's chocolate orbs as tears started to spill down his reddening cheeks. "Hello!" Vince shouted, knocking on the side of Dan's head, "Anyone home?"

"Leave him alone!" I yelled at the bully.

"Well, at least one of the fags speaks. But I thought even you could do better than a mute, Lester. Then again, thinking about it, I guess you're lucky to have anyone." he said, turning to me. The words cut through me like shards of glass, because I knew they were true. Slightly shaking, I grabbed Dan's arm, and tried to walk away from the bullies, but was soon met by a wall of beefy boys.

"You ain't goin' nowhere." said Alex, one of Vince's cronies. and before I knew it, Vince had me by the scruff of my neck and threw me to the floor, yelling as he did so, things like: "You're unnatural!" and "Faggots like you deserve to be punished!" He then proceeded to kick and punch and scratch at every inch of my body he could get his grimy fingers on, while out the corner of my eye, I could see Dan, being tortured in much the same way by David, James and Alex.


WOW, SHE UPDATED!? Yep, I know, I haven't updated in over two weeks and I feel really bad because I haven't really got much of an excuse other than the fact that I went away last weekend so I didn't have any time to write and I have had really bad writers' block (also I've not been feeling very well the past week or so, but that's not important), but I soldiered on for you guys.

Anyway, sorry it's short but I will try and upload another chapter before Saturday cos I'm going away for a week and I won't have any wifi (kill me now) and I don't want to leave you guys with no chapter for ages again. (Sorry!)

Stay beautiful, my butterflies!


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