Chapter 24-Sunny's Pov

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Even at full out speed,it took me less than 3 hours to arrive at the designated location. It was such a release to run in wolf form,even if the run was rushed and i was fuelled by anger. I wish I could of savoured the power i felt when my paws soundless danced over the ground, and the wind rushed past my face in a chilling caress. However,I had Osiris's henchman to torture and babysit. Business before pleasure,as the saying goes.

As I approached the abandoned flats, I inhaled: memorising and analysing each scent. The cold breeze delivering the dry musky smell of unkept and old apartment flats,and the damp grassiness of the nearby river. The unfamiliar aromas of 'people' hit my sensitive wolf nose unpleasantly,causing me to twitch. There had been at least two different people here,not including the strongest of the males' scents,mixed with blood. Bamani must be injured quite badly, if they can drug him enough to feel safe to level him unconscious here for hours. Well,that makes my babysitting job easier-shames.

Having done a sniffer test,I felt secure enough to go right ahead. I trotted quickly up the wide stairs,noticing faintly dried mud strains. Seems I didn't need instructs,I could of just followed the trail of mud. I thought these guys were meant to be professionals?!

Zoning back in,I came to a stop in front of door 17. The dull green wooden door was slightly ajar,but the room was in darkness.

I didn't need to deliberately sniff to caught Bamani's scent,I was practical swimming in it. It was probably already clinging to my bronze fur,like oil.

Quickly deciding to shift into my human form outside, I reversed my path a few steps.

Taking in a slow controlled breath with my eyes closed, I felt my body blur for a few seconds and then I was standing up right- naked. Damn it! I hated when this happens,depending on your emotions while shifting,results in if you get to keep your clothes. Obviously my earlier fury dissolved my clothes. Strong emotions makes the magic in the body go crazy, and basically if its not part of your body natural its a threat.

I didn't want to be slowed down by carry any clothes with me, so I was praying I had left a some in the apartment.

I slipped in through the ajar door, grateful that it meant I didn't have to make any noise. I let my instincts guide me to my old room, as I slipped into hunting mode. Nothing mattered except getting my clothes.

I strode into the room,without any interrupt from needing to open a door. It didn't have one. A bundle of blankets where scrunched up on a old mattress. The centre piece of the room. However,it was the neatly piled jean shorts, grey vest top and girl boxers, that got my attention. Jackpot! I lunged at the clothes, pulling them on at lightening speed,without any trouble. I silently thanked who ever left them.

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