Chapter 20-Sunny's POV

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---------------------------------------Sunny's POV-------------------------------------------------------------------------

Tauntingly i blow him a kiss, as i sauntered out of the shop. My body language screamed confident and uncaring but inside i was awaiting the familiar cold calculating calm to smother the paralysing fear. I needed it to, otherwise i didn't know if i would survive. 

In a fight, emotions could either save you or kill you and in my experiance the latter usual happened. So many talented fighters died that way.

I was already mentally mapping out the shopping centre, for the best place to have the showdown. It had to be out of the way of spectators, if it was not to arouse nosy individuals or cause wide spread hysterics. I knew even if we were in public, he'd find a way to conveniently kill me.

A place to the south east of the shopping centre was under reconstitution,but i had noticed the scent of the workers was hours old,which indicated that they worked at night. It was only half twelve now,so we'd have plenty of time before they came back. Also, we would have plenty of space and objects i could use as weapons if i lost my daggers. It was prefect! 

I easily followed the flow of the foot traffic to my chosen destination, satisfied that i got another minute before he hunted me down. It seemed everyone was out today, which would help mask my scent making it more difficult to find me. I didn't know if that was a blessing or just  cause more trouble . 

Casual, i slipped under the yellow tape blocking of a door leading further away from the crowd and more into the building site. I didn't waste time glancing back to make sure i was unseen, as i quickly proceeded forward. Plastic sheets crunching under my heels. Yes, i was one of those girl who fought in heels but werewolf reflexes and natural stealth meant i kept my balance and usual i didn't walk so loudly. Actually, the crunching was a little unnerving so i hurried forward towards the cold concrete.Now, it was only the occasionally wall and metal pole structure that the clear plastic hung limply from.

I would have preferred the dark to the dim light which cast an eerie grave feeling to the place. The chalky grey of the ground and the remaining walls irritated my cool practical mind. I concentrated harder on the power of my wolf,as she raised to the surface. Fierce determination swelled in my heart. She was proud of the choice even through it cost us so much. It was the right thing to do;it was the honourable thing to do.

I heard the tell tale signs of someone approaching, the plastic was an added bonus. Maybe the Goddess was smiling down on me after all.

I didn't turn around like he would expect. I took calm breaths, just waiting. He came so close his chest touched my back.His scent smothering me in it's intensity. I hope that stink didn't cling to my clothes, it would take ages to get out.

"Given up so easily, i have to say Sunny, your a disappointment all round." He sneered against my skin. Still i didn't react, not on the outside anyway. He was playing with fire, and he was about to get burnt. 

It was only when his hand clamped roughly on the back of my neck, i moved. With a quick elbow to his exposed stomach,his hand vanished. I stepped away to survey the damage. He was a bit winded,groaning a little but was recovered enough to start towards me.

"Come on big boy, show me what you got."I dared him. 

Emotions were temperamental in a fight, they either spurred you on or made you blind, leading to mistakes, then eventually death. 

The small silver dagger shoot out my wrist guard, into my awaiting hand. Despite popular belief, sliver didn't harm all werewolves, only alphas. Saying that, anything sharp and pointy with enough force hurts everyone. It's a win-win weapon as far as i'm concerned. A vicious growl erupted from him, telling me he was both impatient and seriously pissed off. On the other hand, he wasn't so mad that he shifted into wolf form. It was tradition,which ever form the challenge came in was the form you'd fought in, but i was wary that after everything he was still following this were-protocol.

He hadn't noticed the blade yet, probably due to his anger or that it didn't stand out because it was painted black so even in the day light it didn't sparkle. Thankfully, this didn't effect how prominent the silver was.

We circled each other slowly, when he took a step forward,i quickly skipped back and Visa Vera. The little dance went on for awhile before he got frustrated and tackled me; as we became air borne, i raised my dagger and with all my strength thrust the silver into his back. It gave a new image to back stabbed, a very real one at that. Kinda ironic really, all things considered. I chuckled lightly. Even though i was in a life or death situation i still had humour. 

Seconds before we landed i pulled him under me, so with a heavy thud, he took the full impact of the landing. How kind of him, i grinned. His howl of agony was deafening as the blade dug deeper. The sound shaking through everything. I was a warrior but i wasn't cruel. With a solid blow to the temple, i rendered him unconscious.That went a lot smoother then i hoped, i noted smugly. His body would push the blade out fully with in an hour, by that time he'd be awake and in a rage. 

A startling ding rang out from the elevator, buried under materials and equipment. I had assumed it was out of order. My mind raced as i tried to decide the best course of action. Should i just leave him here and go? No, i dismissed. He would kill any humans, without a moment of hesitation, no need to cause unnecessary blood shed. 

Just then the doors slide open, to reveal nothing. I blinked first in confusion then relief. 

Getting up, i dusted off my jeans. They were designer and i hated getting them dirty.

Suddenly, a vibration against my leg, and black veil bride, set the world on fire blasted through the silence. The song definitely had a new creepy vibe to it now, thanks to the surrounds it bounced off.

I pressed the green call button, and answered the phone.

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