Chapter 25-Sunny Pov

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An amused male chuckle, froze my small mental celebration. With a sudden rush my human body was engulfed with adrenaline. The fiercest growl i have ever produced,unconsciously left my mouth.

"Now someone doesn't sound happy." Called a teasing voice-a voice that must belong to Bamani.

"And the prize goes to Bamani,for pointing out the f*cking obvious!" I snarled,with my back still to him. It was stupid to have my back exposed to a threat,however I felt every muscle burning with rage. I needed to gain control of my rebelling body,besides he should be at least tied up.

"I love prizes,what do I win?" He inquires flirtatiously,causing me to grind my teeth together,suppressing another growling.

"The prize is your life. Congratulation you get to live for another five minutes" I spat, beginning to pace. Hoping I could work off some of the anger before I tear his face off. I don't understand why I'm so worked up, yes he's Osiris's right hand man which to be honest is a pretty good reason but I don't normal get this emotional. Emotions can get you killed, I need to calm down.

Breath in-breath out-breath in-breath out-breath in-breath out. I chant to myself,as I slowly relax.

"Aww baby I'm really not that bad." Bamani tried to persuade in a whiny voice. How annoying can this guy be?!!

With will as strong as steel, i forced myself to release the last of the anger, and become the cold badass warrior she-wolf.

Leisurely rotating to face Bamani, I narrowed my eyeliner defined eyes in a warning. Lifting my chin, as I checked him out. Damn he was hot!

His dark chocolate eyes held an amused glint,which made them even harder to look away from. His nose was slightly misshapen,which would suggest he's been in a lot of fights. While his lips promises to be the best kiss you'll ever have. Like his nose, his muscled body shouts fighter and if the muscles don't give it away then the scar on his up right forearm and chest will.

"Like what you see sweetheart?" He challenges, biting his lower lip to stop a smile. I watch the movement, and muscles clench in my stomach as I'm hit with a pang of lust. Lust?!! Oh help no!!

Gliding across the dirty room, till only a centremeters separated us. I glared up at him, teeth exposed in a snarl.

"Feisty I like that" he whispers,glancing down at me. For a minute, we are trap in a staring contest,battling for dominance. It's only when he leans closer that I am released, and precede to knee him in his manhood.

What I didn't predict was that he would headbutt me as he goes to curl up in pain. I hit the fall with a thud,groaning.

"Why do you have such a hard head?!" I screech.

It's only till I hear a faint laugh that i realise how what I just said could be perceived. What is wrong with this guy?! I let out any other groan.

"That's why." Bomani suddenly states. I turn my head to stare at him,maybe it the drugs they gave him that's making him at weird.

"Why what?" I asked confused,causing him to smirk.

"Just think about it" He avoids, grinning like it's harlious. While,he stumbles over to the mattress and carefully collapse onto it. I scrunch my face up, what is wrong with this guy?! I glance back at him again and he's asleep.


I'm not going to add another chapter till I'm asked to,because at the moment it seems like nobody is reading this story. :/

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2013 ⏰

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