Say what?!

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The atmosphere was buzzing, i could feel all the different emotions scorching my skin and for once i loved it. The small pub turned out to have a pretty popular dance area, and in minutes i was in the centre of it. I may not have been to the house party back at my old school but that didn't mean I didn't slip out when Sunny was distracted. 

I followed the rhythm of the pounding music, swaying against strangers. My eyes shot open when hands clamped around my hips, and a male body pressed against my back. "You still like to dance I see" Bamani whipsered, his hot breath tiggling my neck. 

"I've got alot better at it, if you hadn't noticed."  I replied, stepping away, and spinning. He held up a strong tanned hand, which i toke before being pulled closer. 

"Oh, i noticed."  To this i just raised my eyebrows. "I wonder have you really changed from the girl i used to know." He queried, sliding his chocolate brown eyes to meet mine.

"That girl is gone. Osiris may think differently but this Isis is different." My voice strong with defiance. 

"mmmm We'll see about that..." Bamani said watching me with curiosity, dipping me before pulling me back close to spin me effortlessly away again. 

"Calling me a liar?" I challenged. 

"Yes." He said bluntly, grinning.

I tutted. "That really wasn't a good idea."  My pulse started to race,as I questioned if this was a good idea but i knew i had to prove myself. Had to leave behind the past and become the girl i always wanted to be; the rebel.Not the future Queen, not the girl on the run, or the ophan but me. This me didn't like being called a liar. 

ops singular i called to the power storming through my blood. Then i visualised the direction the power should take,drawing the energy into my awaiting hands. When i had gathered enough, i changed the energy, manipulating it to my purpose. moveo Moti Motum the impulse slipping from my skin as i made physical contact with the other dancers. The effect spreading through the room in seconds as moans and gasps filled the air. I smirked. 

"So do you believe me now?" Staring into Bamani's wide amused eyes. 

"Damn girl, that's some talent but i don't think Osiris will be happy with you messing with the humans." Now it was my turn to be surprised. 

"Since when did you get so responsible?" I mocked, but my fun was cut short by a frowning Osiris heading straight for us.

"Fun's over guys. Now here's you room keys, go to bed." He ordered.

"You can't be serious?! What's the rush, we just got here." I reasoned, swaying to the hypnotic beat.

"Early start, do you want to be tired in the morning?" His tone just as calm as before, but i sensed his annoyance. 

"Fine" I said scowling, annoyed he'd ruined my fun. 

"This way." He commanded, leading us up a flight of creaky stairs,the worn steps sounding like a  mouse choir. Eventually we came to a dimly lit hallway. I glanced down at my key to see 15 engraves into the cold metal. When i scanned the hallway, on the far left i saw a wooden door with the number 15 in copper hanging slanted. As i reluctantly went to my door, sliding the key into the lock but before i could open it the key jammed. "Damn it" I growled, trying to twist it even harder. 

"Here let me." Osiris pushed my hands away roughly and fixed his gaze sternly on the lock. Recludo he hissed and the door swung open. 

"Thanks" I throwed over my shoulder, as i walked into the overly cosy room. As i turned around to close the door, i bumped into him. "What are you doing?!" I exclaimed. 

"We're sharing a room" He said simple, like it would be obvious. Narrowing my violet eyes in confusion and embarrassment, i stepped back to put some distance between us. "And why would i be sharing a room with you?"  I demanded, forcing my voice to sound angry and suspicious. 

"Well we're soulmates." Yet again, he made it sound so simple, like he was talking to a two year old. 

"I don't care, we are not sleeping in the same room or even the same bed. Go share with Banami or get your own room." I snapped, as embarrassment was replaced with genuine anger this time. Who does he think he is? I haven't seen him in years and he expects me to sleep in the same bed as him? What else is he expecting from me?! I thought horrified. 

"But i thought-" He began but i cut him off.

"Thought what: that you could get into my pants?!" I exclaimed, hearing a chuckle from the room next door. Bamani must of been listening to our cringe-worth argument.

 "Well, to put it rather crudely yeah. It's what we're meant to do." That was not the answer i wanted to hear, i gasped in shock. What the hell? I mean he said he'd been lonely and that he'd been taught what his 'duty' was but i hadn't thought of this.... And he said it like he didn't even want to but like he was being forced to. I felt kind of offended at that. Wasn't he meant to feel attracted to me? I mean to me he looked handsome and i felt a little spark when we were having our food fight but i don't know if that spark was from missing the good old times or something more....

"Absolutely not. Now get out and leave me alone you perv!" I shouted, pushing a surprised Osiris out the door and slamming it in his stunned face. I heard him shuffle away and bang on a door, which i assumed must of been Bamani's.

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