Chapter 13

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I glared at the stairs, wondering why my life was so messed up. I had spent most of my life hating and fearing this guy, who was meant to be my soulmate and love me but it turns out he isn't even my soulmate!

Calling up my magic and commanding silentium. As i soundless bound down the once thunderious stairs and hurried towards the music and tispy humans.

I was glad i could move my feeling out of my body, dancing the thoughts outta my head but i knew there was one song that would really improve my mood. With my new purpose, i moved through the crowd till I reached the DJ.

"Can I make a request?" I shouted. The music was louder here, i could feel it knocking against my toes.

"Depends if i have the song." She replied, giving me a funny look.

"Well, have you got Animal by The Cab?" I asked hopefully.

"You're in lucky they're my brother's favourite band!" She laughed.

"Thanks so much." I replied with a smile before returning into the crowd.

Then i heard the first opening bars of the song, and smiled at the growl.

Baby Girl i'm not quite human,

And i'm not quite a machine

So I guess that leaves you staring at something inbetween

Yeah, I'm another, hungry lover

But i'm born a different breed

Yeah, I can shake you but then i'll break you

And baby sweat is guaranteed

I wish I could give you my love and my soul

But inside my chest there is nobody home

As i suspected the song had lightened my mood, so much so that when strong male hands ran gentle down my arms to grasp my hand, i didn't panic,in fact it was like he left a trail of warmth with his touch. As he slowly raise my arms over my head to link around his smooth neck,leaving my neck exposed. I felt his breath tickling my neck as he leaned forward. Shimming down his body,my hands brushing down his shoulders and firm chest as they came back to my side. The feeling of coiled abdominal muscles against my back,spiked my interested, who could this guy be? As i stood back up to my full high, he suddenly turned me round sharply by my wrist.

"Well hello Isis" He greeted neutrally. I gasped, my guard going instantly up.

"Who are you?! How do you know my name?!" I whispered, as not to bring attention to us.

"Everyone knows your name, your highness." He stated matter-of-factly. This only made my eyes widen even more. That meant he was like me! That meant he was one of my people.... Holy-

"We need to get out of here now" He hissed urgently, pulling me back to the present.

"What?! Why?!" I blurted as he tugged on my hand, as he not so gentle maneuvered us through the crowd.

"I'll explain later, but your in danger." His explanation leaving much to be desired. I searched his face for clues but his dark eyes were roaming the room and his strong jaw chenched.

"How do i know your not the danger?" I challenged him; watching his reaction closely.

"Oh believe me your highness, you'd know if i wanted to hurt you. Which i obviously don't. Now enough with the chit-chat, do you mind hurrying up our escape or do you want to dance with the bad guys?" He snapped, scowling as something caught his attention.

"F*ck" He muttered as he rushed me out back door, just as a viscious snarl, followed by terror-filled screams cut through Love game by Lady Gaga.

There wasn't time to think as he dragged me towards a large black land rover, before promptly throwing me into the back seat. My head snapped round as i head a grunt of pain behind me, but my startled responce was cut short as i nearly crashed into the back of the leather front seat.

Oh fudge what have i gotten myself into this time.


Hey :) Sorry for any spelling mistakes, etc. This is my first story so please be patient with me. If you have any consecutive criticism or ideas then please comment and let me know.

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