Chapter 21-Sunny's POV

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--------------------------------------------Sunny's POV----------------------------------------------------------------------

"Guten Tag." I greeted in German. This always confused people and gave me an opportunity to hear their voice, in affect working out who they were. When i was with the pack, i always answered the phone in Spanish but now i had to mix it up a bit. I could change my accent as easy as 1,2,3. Comes with being on the run, your always going to different countries. I always wanted to travel the world, i just never guessed it was going to happen under those circumstances.

"Hallo meine freund." He replied smoothly, not missing a beat; his Spanish accent conflicting with the German words. I froze for a second before my mind started racing. It was him! The guy who had warned me about Osiris and my ex-pack! I should of done what he advised and taken her to France that night, but no like an idiot, i let her go to school. Thinking we had at least a week, even a month at best before he found us. If he was calling, it wasn't about something good but he tried to help and for that i owned him.

"Has he got Isis?" I asked. The question had been branded into my mind, like the burning of the Las Vegas advertisement lights. The icy surface i put on for the fight, faded, quickly replaced by worry and grief.

"He did, we rescued her." His swift reply, caused a sigh of relief. Even though i would of been happier if she was with me, he was better then the alternative.

"Tell me where she is and i'll pick her up." I demanded. My warrior instinct kicking in. She was my best friend and under my protection, she should be with me. My wolf growled in agreement.

"I haven't got time for this, so listen closely" His heavily accent laced with urgency.

"TELL ME WHERE SHE IS NOW!" I snarled, my earlier worry multiplying by ten. If he hurt her in any way, he and his workers would regret it deeply.

"I'm sorry but it is Isis's best interested to stay with us for now. I give you my oath, to protect her." Even if he was giving me the brush off, he didn't say she would stay with them for infinity. That single thought, gave me hope. However, it was his oath that meant the most and that was why i complied. An oath was never taken lightly, if broken the other party had the right to legal kill them.

"I'm listening." I huffed, just because i was going along with this didn't mean i was happy about it. It's for Isis, i reminded myself. There was a moment of silence before he launched into his explanation.

"It seems Isis is in more danger then original thought. Assassins were send to where she was staying with him and Bamani, his right hand man. I don't know who send them, but when we were making our escape, i called back up. Back up, has captured Bamani."

"What's this got to do with me?" I interupted, wanting him to hurry up and get to the good part.

"You are to go the location i have text you. That's where you will find Bamani, he is still unconscious and will be for the next few hours. He has no-one with him. I need you to get information out of him, that can help us protect Isis. Also, you are to keep him from leaving and wait till i contact you." He instrusted. It was obvious he was the one in charged, by the bold authority his voice contained. Rogues answered to nobody, which was why i was having a hard time going along with his plan. However, the last time i ignored his warning Isis had been kidnapped.

"Keep her safe an-d-d tell her i didn't betray her... tell her, I'm sorry i wasn't good enough to protect her." My commanding growl turning into something embarrassingly near a plead. I coughed,to regain my composure. With that, the phone bleeped as he disconnected.

Another annoyingly cheerful bleep and the text message came through.

In the city you lived in before this one. By water, and isolated.You lived very close to it, practical inside it. ;) Good Luck, time is running out.

Great the guy talked in riddles, but at least i knew he had enough common sense to guard the information of the Bamani's where-abouts. The last city i lived in was London...and we'd lived in an abandoned apartment building for a few weeks because we just got in from France. It would take me at least an hour if i shifted.

Time to meet Mister Bamani....


I know i have had alot of Sunny's POV recently, however i feel it's important to the story. You'll see ;)

Like always, comment/vote. I greatly value your opinion. Also, if you see any spelling mistake, etc, please tell me, so then i can go back and fix it.

I dedicated this Chapter, which is unusual but i feel this person really deserves it! Thanks for all your help!


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