Chapter 12

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Louis POV

The week off we all head went by as fast as it came. I would be extremely sad about it, if I didn't love my job as much as I love my time off. Extra nice was that we now had a couple of shows in London, which means I don't have to stay in a hotel room or in a bit too small bunk-bed on the tour-bus.

Harry ended up staying with me in my apartment for the whole week. It was very nice and definitely much better than spending all this time alone. He filled up the apartment with an empty space I didn't know existed. I'm gutted he'll have to leave at some point.

Once me and Harry arrive at the venue of tonight's show, it's already hectic. Harry gets immediately called away for a quick sound check with the band and I'm guided to the dressing room to get changed.

It's always quite stressful, the couple of hours before we have to go on stage, but I still wouldn't want to exchange my life for any other. The rush you get from being on that stage in front of people that all bought tickets to see you is incredible and indescribable. That feeling is worth going through all the other things that come with being a singer, even if I hate them on bad days.

We are on and off the stage in what seems like seconds, but I know it was over two hours. It went fantastic with only a few small mistakes here and there, but definitely one of our better shows.

My mood takes a swing of one-hundred-eighty degrees when I walk into the dressing room after our performance. The band is always the first one to leave the venue, just like now. There was only one member of our band left. Harry, but he wasn't alone.

'YOU ARE COMING WITH ME RIGHT NOW, YOU DIRTY LITTLE BITCH!' Harry's ex-boyfriend screams through the whole room.

It angers me that he dares to walk in here and just starts commanding Harry. What the hell does he think? Harry is not a slave. Once I spot Harry completely curled up in one corner of the couch, I lose it. I walk over to his boyfriend, who I believe is called Nick but I forgot, and hit him on the back of his head with my bare hand.

'How dare you talk to someone like that. You disgust me!' I exclaim not as loud as he yell but firmer than he spoke. 'I've heard enough about you to know you are nothing but a major bully.'

He scoffs once I'm done speaking. 'Yeah, so what are you going to do about it mister pop star? You gonna fight me? I would like to see you try.' He says laughing.

'No.' I say lowly. 'You are going to get out of this place right now. You'll leave him alone or I'll make sure you get locked up in jail for the rest of your life for trying to murder an innocent boy.' I tell him. Now he starts to look a little scared. 'Dont think I won't do it or that I'm bluffing because I have enough proof and lawyers to get you into that jail.' 

Now security is walking in and grabbing him by the arms. 'You heard Louis.' One of them says. 'If you come to any of these boys again, you'll get into jail, understood?' 

'Fine. He's not even worth it.' He growls. 'Harry is only a stupid worthless hybrid after all!' He screams before he's completely pulled out of the room.

Once he's out of the room, it becomes almost deadly silent in the room. Until a loud sob is heard from the couch. I turn around to see, as I kind of expected, Harry crying his hear out. 

I quickly make my way over to him and take him into my arms, holding him tight against my body. Harry wraps his own arms around my body and hides his face into my shirt before his cries come out even louder. The sound is breaking my heart into tiny, little pieces.

After some time I hear footsteps slowly coming closer. I look up to see my three band mates coming closer towards us. I then realize they all saw what happened and heard everything he had said. Including the Harry being a hybrid part. 

To my surprise is it Zayn who kneels next to us on the couch. Harry's cries have slowed down, only now he's looking a bit frightened in Zayn's direction. 'So is it true, Harry? Are you a hybrid?' Zayn asks him softly, to which Harry nods in response. 'That's so cool! Two of my cousins are dog hybrids and they are just so adorable.' Zayn says with a smile.

I immediately feel Harry relax in my arms upon hearing Zayn's reassuring words. I send him a thankful smile, to which he responds with a wink.

'I'm a cat-hybrid.' Harry responds to Zayn. 'I've never met any other hybrids before.' He adds after a couple seconds. It seems like Harry isn't as scared anymore. Thank goodness for my amazing supportive band mates.

'So does that mean you have like cat ears and a tail?' Niall asks and Harry nods as a reply. 'Can we see them?' He asks excitedly. 

Harry seems to doubt it for a couple of minutes, until he does remove the beanie from the top of his head and the kitten ears become visible.

None of the three boys say anything at first, they are all just staring at the little triangles on the top of Harry's head. Liam is the first one to speak up. 'They are really cute, Harry.' Liam tells him. 'And don't worry. None of us would ever threat you like your boyfriend.'

'Ex-Boyfriend.' Me and Harry say at the exact same time. My face turns a couple shades darker and all the boys laugh.

'Seems like you two got really close over the past few weeks.' Zayn notices before he sends me a wink. 'Glad to see you happy, boys.' He says.

I'm quite sure relief is the only feeling that goes through mine and Harry's bodies. 'Come on.' I whisper into Harry's kitten ear. 'I'll take you home with me.'

Harry lets out a yawn in response before he nods, but doesn't make any move. Considering the fact that he is sat in my lap, I decide to carry him out of the room. He yelps, but that stops once he notices I am the one carrying him. He wraps his arms tightly around my neck and rests his head on my shoulder, whilst I place one arm underneath his knees and one underneath his shoulders. I smile at him as I notice his eyes dropping close. He's definitely off to another world.

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