Chapter 9

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Louis POV

After a few days off, it always feels better to come back. It always makes me feel like I got twenty times more energy than before. I think it also makes my performance a lot better because I enjoy it more.

Probably the best thing is to see my three best friends, who are like my little brothers seeing as I am the oldest, again after break. We do get fed up from time to time by seeing each other every single day. But once we only had a day off, we can talk for hours and hours without wanting to attack somebody. None of us actually has every attack anybody though, except for the little play fights every now and again.

Right now, I am laughing with Harry backstage on the sofa in our dressing room. It's still pretty strange to me that me and the boys have our own dressing room. I'll probably never get used to that.

Harry is laying with his head on my chest as we are both spread out over the whole couch. I am quite comfortable, especially with Harry this close to me. How strange to think that three days ago we had barely said a word to each other that wasn't work related. 

Our moment is interrupted by Niall entering. 'HELLO EVERYBODY, NIALLER IS BACK IN THE HOUSE!' He announces as he drops his backpack to the floor before he makes a weird jump in the air. 

'Hey, I got to go. Need to make sure my guitar is in tune and stuff. See you later.' Harry greets, Just before he completely stands up and walk away, I wrap my arms around him, seemingly surprising him as he loses his balance and fall back on top of me.

We both laugh before Harry gives me a proper hug. 'Hey see ya later, good luck.' I say with a smile in his direction. Harry smiles back to me and waves towards Niall before he walks out of the room with his head down. 

Niall, who I had temporarily forgot was in the room with me and Harry, is watching me with a weird glint in his eyes. He then smiles mischievous in my direction before he lifts my legs, takes place on the couch and drops my legs on his lap again. Very casual, happens almost every day we see each other.

'So, since when are you all over Harry Styles?' He asks with a smirk. I cannot really keep my cheeks from turning a couple shades darker. 

'Well, we just spoke in the time we had off. Hanged out for a bit, nothing I wouldn't do with you and the other lads.' I say. 

The saying, when you talk about the devil he appears, or maybe that's not how it actually goes, but in my mind it does, is very true at this moment as Zayn and Liam come through the door at that exact moment. 

'Hey lads! You got to hear this, Louis has a crush on Harry!' Niall exclaims the second Liam and Zayn walk through the door. 

'I've never said that! You are just making things up.' I mumble, knowing that he is pretty close to the truth. I can't say I am not attracted to Harry.

'But you don't seem to be denying it either, Tomlinson. Tell us all about it.' Liam says sitting down on the carpet, Zayn following his lead a few seconds later.

'It's is seriously nothing! Besides, Harry has a boyfriend, who isn't me.' I say, not feeling like talking about it. It's nice of the boys to ask about my love-life, which most of the time nonexistent, but there are a couple of things you always keep hidden from your siblings isn't it? Well, this is one of those things. 

'Hey, if you have a little crush on him, doesn't mean it's a bad thing. Even if he is taken, nobody says that will be a forever kind of thing now, will it?' Zayn asks me. 

'I don't know maybe. But I don't really know.' I vaguely say as respond. 'Can we just focus on the show instead of my love-life? How was it at your families?' 

The topic switch was a good one, the boys all talk about how amazing it was at their families. About the weird things their real siblings did and all the stories they had missed from when we were on tour. It's lovely to hear, but also makes me miss my own home. But I can't complain. I had a few days I won't ever forget and it was my own choice not to visit my family this break.

'Boys! Time to get ready!' One of the crew members calls out and with sighs coming from all of our mouths, we stand up and put on our stage clothes. Hairdressers come into the room and make sure our hair stays in one place. We all get a thin layer of make up on our faces to make sure our faces don't shine because of the bright lights.

Before we know it, the four of us are back stage with our arms wrapped around each other's shoulders to wish each other good luck. Their is a rush going through my body. A feeling you won't understand if you haven't felt it yourself. Right now it makes me nervous, but as I will set one step on stage, it will feel like adrenaline making me have an extreme energy burst. It looks like I have drunken fifty cups of cheap Starbucks coffee. 

Standing on stage in front of thousands of people who came especially to see you perform is incredible. The crowd is completely with you. For those two hours it feels like you and the crowd are one.

The performance goes great, like one of the best we have done so far on this tour. I goof around a little with Harry, making him almost miss a couple of chords. He glares at me, but I know by the smile on his face it's playful. 

My mood is on top, which is not completely unusual, except that it is on a whole new level today. Maybe hanging around Harry made my mood just thousand times better. Or maybe the crowd was just a lot better or maybe it was both. It doesn't really matter, the only thing I know is that you have to do something really bad to make my mood flip upside down. 

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