Chapter 3

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Louis POV

There was another man in the alley right in front of Harry. I only saw his eyes widen for a second before he dropped Harry to the ground and run away. I run towards Harry but I was too late, his head fell on the hard surface. His eyes closed and the contact of before was broken.

I kneel next to Harry's body and feel his pulse, which I can luckily clearly feel. I examine his body for further injuries but on first sight I don't notice anything. I sit up from the position where I was leaning over him. 

In a situation like this I'm not the best person to be around, I don't have a clue what to do. Do I need to call an ambulance or the police for that man that run away. I mean, if he hadn't done anything, than why would he run away? Exactly.

A low groan sounds from Harry's body and I focus back on Harry getting closer to him again. To my relief I see Harry's eyes flutter open and they look straight in mine.

'Are you alright?' It's the first thing that comes into my mind to ask, I obviously know the answer but yeah, like I said I'm not really good in situations like this.

Harry moves a bit but than lets out a loud hiss and shakes his head.

'Where does it hurt?' I ask concern clear in my voice. Harry points to his side. I don't ask for permission as I lift up his shirt so I can look at his side. I let out a slight gasp at the bruise that's forming there. I know a bit about First aid, massive thanks to my mum who works in a hospital for that, so I feel around on the bruise, it's on the place where his ribs are so he could have broken one. If he has, than he needs to go the hospital as soon as possible. Harry is really tense though as I touch the bruise. I lock gazes with Harry again and smile friendly towards him. 'Harry, Can you take a breathe for me? Don't tense your muscles, I'm trying to find out if your ribs are broken or just badly bruised.'

Harry does what I say and now I can feel clearly that nothing is broken, much to my relief and I can imagine also to Harry's. I pull his shirt down again and I stand up from the ground. I help Harry off the ground as well, He doesn't stand really steadily on his legs though so I pick him up bridal style.

'You made a big smack there, Harry. You're lucky nothing is broken. Does it hurt anywhere else?' I ask him as I start walking. As soon as I do, Harry flings his arms around my neck and hides his face into my sweater. It's a wonder to me how Harry isn't freezing, I mean his skin feels cold but if I would be wearing only such a thin shirt like Harry's than I would be twice as cold as he is. 

I feel Harry shake his head against my shoulder, signalling to me that it luckily doesn't hurt anywhere else.

'I have some supplies that will make the wound heal faster and will keep it from being infected in my hotel room. I'll take you there, yeah?' This time I feel him nod against my shoulder. 

The hotel where I am staying is only a few blocks away and because we're taking the back entrance, I mean, there would definitely be lots of questions if I would casually walk in a hotel carrying a boy, it's only shorter distance. 

We reach it quickly and we don't come across lots of people, only a few but none of those people say anything. I enter the hotel and take the closest lift to go to the right floor, which is the fourth. The fourth floor of the hotel is completely hired for us. Even if all the other boys are home now, It's still only available for band members or people from the crew. 

A familiar ding sounds signalling that we reached the right floor. I step out, still carrying Harry, and walk over to my room, which is number 406 if you want to know. 

Once inside of my room I lay Harry down on the big king-size bed, untangling his arms from around my neck in the progress. I walk into the bathroom and go look for the First-aid kit. I haven't been in the need of it for a long time. I locate it soon enough in my, okay I'll admit, messy bathroom. Even though we're only staying here for about a week, it's as messy as it is at home. Or maybe even worse. 

I walk back over to Harry, who already removed his shirt so I can reach the bruise. I may or may not have been looking at his abs first. They're clearly visible and to be honest, Harry isn't one of the thickest person I know. He can definitely be considered skinny but that's out of the topic right now.

Harry winces once I put the cotton with disinfectant on his wound. It's expected, I know very well that it stings like hell. I make as quick and as neat work of this as possible. I, for once, put everything away neatly in the first aid kit. 

I'm definitely surprised when I hear a deep voice speak up. Not only because Harry hasn't spoken at all to me tonight but mostly because of what he says. Or actually, asks. 'Why do you take care of me, I'm worthless and  a failure, Why didn't you just let me die?'

It probably takes me less than a second to reach Harry on the bed, who has originally moved away from the side where he was laying, and take him in my arms. First I feel him tense, but he slowly accepts me hugging him from behind. 'How could you possibly think I would let you die? I wouldn't even wish for my worst enemy to be death. Besides, I truly care about you. You're an amazing guitar player and if you weren't in the band they would be completely lost. Don't think of yourself as worthless or a failure, cause even if I don't know you personally all that well, I can tell that your neither of them.'

Harry stays silent for a little while until he turns around in my arms and rest his head on my chest. He carefully wraps his arms around my waist, like I would pull away from him. I give him a reassuring smile and he returns a smile of his own. 

My chest is probably more comfortable than I thought as I hear light snores coming from Harry a few minutes later. I absolutely hate people that snore, but I can't help but think that it sounds adorable coming from Harry and it's definitely not as loud as when Liam or Zayn is snoring. I wrap my arms around him tighter and let me eyes drop close after taking one last look at the boy in my arms. 

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