Chapter 14

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Louis POV

The next morning, I wake up with a sore neck. I have slept in the most unnatural possition in the whole wide world. My mind is a bit blurry and it takes me a couple of seconds to remember the previous night with Harry, who is still asleep and laying against my  stomach. I move around a little bit to get more comfortable, but I make sure Harry's head keeps resting on my stomach and that he doesn't wake up from my movements.

It's kinda ridiculous, as soon as I feel his body pressed against mine, I get such a big smile on my face. The joy of having this boy so close to me, is unreal.

There could not be anyone more happy that Harry broke up with his boyfriend. My feelings towards Harry, as I realized recently, were never friendship intended, but always in a more loving way. Though, that being said, I don't think I could say 'I love you' to Harry just yet. Not because I don't love him, but because love is a precious thing that you shouldn't just be shouting from the rooftop.

Whilst I'm so deep in my own thoughts, I barely realize Harry actually woke up and is currently desperately trying to get my attention by tapping repeatedly on my left arm.

'Louis?' Harry's voice is so quite, I had almost missed it. I turn my attention immediately towards the face of the just awoken-boy. He looks so adorable with his curly hair all fluffy and messy from sleeping. 

'Yeah, Harry. Everything alright?' I ask him, with a hint of worry in my voice. After yesterday's episode with Harry's ex, I could easily understand if he was still a bit shaken up. I know I'd be if I were in his position.

Harry nods immediately in response, before he speaks up again. 'But, ehm, you are laying on my tail..' Harry adds shyly and I spring up immediately.

'Oh goodness! I'm so sorry Harry, that must have been so painful.' I say quickly sitting up straight on the couch.

His response is a cute giggle before he goes to sit up next to me. 'It's not too painful, but I just needed the bathroom and I couldn't really move if you were laying on top of my tail.' Harry says, standing up with a reassuring smile on his face.

Harry doesn't even have to ask where the bathroom is, he just strolls of to the right room in one go, without Louis having to give him any sort of direction.

To my surprise, Harry stays in the bathroom for almost fifteen minutes. I am about to go and see if he's okay, when the door opens and Harry, who is looking a tad bit nervous, is walking into the living room again.

He goes to sit opposite of me, in one of the big leather seats. Even from this distance, I can see his hands are shaking. My expression turns worried and I sit op a bit straighter as I look at Harry's huddled over form in the leather sofa. He looks so small the seat, as if he's really a curled up kitten. 

'Louis.' Harry starts again, speaking just as quietly as before. 'Ireallylikeyou.' Harry suddenly speaks so fast, that I have trouble making out the words. Usually Harry speaks quite slow and thoughtful, making it super easy to understand him. Harry, who must have noticed how fast he was speaking, take a deep breath and repeats his words in his normal, slower voice. 'I really like you.' 

This time I understand him immediately and I smile at him as I reply. 'I really like you too, Harry.' I tell him.

'No, no, you don't understand.' Harry says, shaking his head. 'I mean, I like you in a way that I want to cuddle you, kiss you and be close to you in every way possible.' Harry says, before he sighs. 'I would say 'I love you', but I don't know if I can say that to anyone yet, no matter how nice they are to me.' 

I stand up from the couch even before Harry is finished speaking and I walk over to him. I go to sit next to him in the leather seat. It fits, but it leaves very little space between us, more like none. 'I know, Harry. I feel exactly the same way.' I admit and to prove my words, I take his chin softly in between my tumb and my pointy finger and lean in towards his mouth.

Harry notices what I am doing and I see him close his own eyes, before I close my own and close the gap between the two of us completely. His lips on my own feel incredible, his lips are so soft and the way he kisses me back, in a kind of shy but passionate way, feels like fireworks are exploding between the two of us.

We don't get the kiss too heated or anything that involves a tongue. Neither of us seems to be in a rush nor have the interest in anything sexual at the moment, especially Harry. Instead we pull away after an unknown time has gone by.

Harry giggles with a huge smile on his face, as we part away from another. 'I really did not think you'd ever feel like that about me too.' Harry says, with such a happy glint in his eyes, that it could make the grumpiest person in the whole wide world smile a little. 

'You doubt yourself too much.' I reply with a smile of my own. I take one look at the clock and notice it's actually almost half past ten in the morning. 'Hey Harry, how about a first proper date?' I ask him with a little cheeky smile on my face.

I recieve a doubtful look from Harry. 'You mean, right now?' He asks with one raised eyebrow and a confused, yet still happily glowing, espression in his eyes.

'Yes, right now!' I laugh out loud. 'I'll take you for the best breakfast in the world. Or at least in London.'

Harry gets a smile back on his face as he jumps up from the seat. 'Sounds good!' He exclaims excitedly. 'I'm quite hungry.' He admits as he goes off to look for his shoes and coat.

I get a secretive smile as I think this might be the start of the most beautiful thing that happened in my life so far. Even better than being in one direction. Harry is above all the good things that happened so far. The best is yet to come.

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