Chapter 4

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Louis POV

How I ended up spooning Harry is something I'm not quite sure about. I woke up before he did, but when I went to unwrap my arms from his body, he tightens his arms around my own. I remember that he fell asleep on my chest and that I wrapped my arms around him, but I couldn't remember spooning him really. 

But with his grip on my arms I was forced to keep lying there with my arms wrapped around Harry. I wasn't complaining though, It was my day off and he doesn't snore now, unlike last night were he was being adorable while snoring. He does make a few sounds, but those sounds are more like a purring kitten, which is even cuter than the light snores of yesterday.

It was only a few minutes later though, when Harry started to show signs of being close to waking up. About a minute later he turned around in my arms and his eyes slowly opened and he had a sleepy look when he looked straight in my eyes.

Now we were lying this close on the bed, I noticed that his eyes were a lovely shade of green. I had never noticed that before, but now I did look at them they reminded me of the eyes of the kitten of Zayn and Perrie. That adorable little thing. I may or may not be a little jealous that they adopted a kitten, I've always wanted one. But I don't have anyone who would take care of it while I am on tour, unlike Zayn and Perrie who have more than enough people who like to take care of that fluffy kitten.

'Goodmorning, Harry. How are you feeling? Does your side feel better?' I ask him with a soft smile. He looks a lot better than yesterday that's for sure. Right now I'm not so scared of him passing out as I was last night. 

'Goodmorning, Louis. I feel alright, thank you. Also thanks for letting me stay.' Harry replies as he goes to sit up straight I see him winch slightly. To be sure the wound heals fine, I lift Harry's T-shirt slightly and remove the tape a little so I can see the wound. It looks pretty bad, but it also seems to be healing which is good. 

'Of course, I would let you stay, you silly boy! What did you expect me to do? Leave you there all bloody in that alley?' When Harry looks down and nods shyly I'm shocked. Who in their right mind would leave someone there? I for a reason wouldn't. 'Harry, I would never do that. Why would I do that?' I only get a shrug as a response. 

'Sorry.' He whispers as he takes the shirt I was still holding up and pulls it down. 'It's not your fault. Not everyone around me is really nice and I don't trust people easily. It has nothing to do with you, it's me.' 

I shake my head, not really convinced and also wondering who those people are that aren't threading Harry good. 'Hopefully I can earn your trust. Only not with cooking I'm a shit cook. Almost burned the tourbus down on the Xfactor live tour. Since then no one lets me cook ever.' 

Harry gets a small smile on his face before his eyes lit up. 'I can cook! I'll cook us some breakfast, take it as a repay for helping me and letting me stay.' 

'You can cook? Maybe I should let you stay with me all the time, you could keep me alive and I have someone to cuddle with instead of my pillow. If that sounds creepy, than take it I like cuddling.' I tell him with a wink. Harry blushes a bit as he steps out of bed. 

When he's at the door of the bedroom he turns around with a smile. 'I love cuddling so I don't mind.' Then he leaves closing the door behind him. Even though I am indeed staying in a hotel room, the room has a separate section for sleeping, cooking & living and of course a bathroom. The living area is simply a couch with not even a television. The television is in the sleeping section. It's a nice hotel-room and a lot better than sleeping in the bunks for a change. Not that I'm complaining, it's nice to lay on them but they're definitely not as comfortable. 

Before I follow Harry to the kitchen part of the hotel-room, I take a trip to the bathroom where I do my morning business. I decide to stay in the clothes were I fell asleep in last night, knowing that I got a day off and just because I'm simply too lazy to change out of them. I do style my hair a little. Not as I would when I go on stage, just a little bit of stuff to make it stay the way I want it to stay. 

As I walk into the kitchen area, my mouth drops open at the sight in front of me. I need to blink a couple of times to make sure I'm not imagining what I see. But it's still there. The radio is turned on and Harry is standing in front of the counter, making breakfast. With that part is nothing wrong or strange or anything. No it's the fact that there is a tail just above the waistband of Harry's sweatpants, swiping from side to side in the rhythm of the music. A cat-tail if we are getting to detail. As I take a few steps closer, I see some pointy triangles on the top of his head. Cat-ears.

I cough once making my presence known and Harry jumps up and turns around with wide eyes and we both stand frozen on spot looking each other straight in the eyes. Pretty sure Harry has to explain something to me. Maybe a lot of explaining at that...

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