Chapter 2

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Louis POV

Twenty-four hours passed sooner than I thought, cause before I knew it I was sitting in a van with the boys on our way to a restaurant. I could guess where we were going since Niall was the one who was choosing this time and even though it's a cliche, after all this time Niall's favorite restaurant is still Nandos. 'You can never have enough of chicken, especially Nandos.' Niall stated as he choose where we were going to eat. 

I don't think anyone was surprised with his choice. Honestly, we would be more surprised if he would have chosen somewhere else to eat.

Nandos is closer to the venue than I thought, we're already here and all of us get out of the car. Niall walks into the restaurant first, he walks into it with a huge grin that toddlers wear on their faces when they go into McDonald's. 

As Liam and Niall go order the food, me and Zayn are looking for a spot to sit. It may be late at night but it seems like whole Manchester decided that tonight, at this time, was the time to go and eat Nandos.

In one of the far corners we find a table with four available seats and me and Zayn sit down together opposite of each other.

'Hey, Have you ever spoken to Harry?' Zayn speaks up after we sat down in silence for a moment.

'Not more than an occasional hello, without any response most of the time. Why?' I reply, wondering why Zayn would ask me that. He never showed any interest in the curly haired lad before.

'It's just, I've seen him and his boyfriend together and I have a feeling there is something wrong in their relationship.' Zayn says and I nod as a response. I noticed as well, there is something about those two that just doesn't seem to match. Besides the fact that they're nothing a like, something in the way they act around each other tells me that there is something going on there. 'I don't know what it could be though.. Harry never talks to any of us except for sometimes saying hello. Besides, have you ever seen him without that guitar of him?'

I shake my head 'Can't say I have. Has he ever not worn a beanie?' This time it's Zayn's turn to shake his head. As if it's a silent agreement, me and Zayn stop our conversation as the other two come back with the food. 

We talk about everything and nothing while we eat our food, It's mostly me, Liam and Zayn doing the talking, seeing as Niall is too focused on his food. Always when we go out for food he thinks we are going to steal his food, which in my opinion is ridiculous. I mean, we're obviously like brothers to each other, but touching Niall's food means war and I would never want a war with one of my best friends. 

'How are we going to go back actually? To me it seems the easiest if we drive straight to London, but you're staying here, so how are you getting here, Louis?' Typical Liam, always thinking about the practical stuff. If it wasn't for Liam, we would be stranded in the middle of nowhere sometimes. He's like the compass to our ship. Which is a bit weird seeing as I have a compass tattoo on my arm. 

'I'll walk, it's not that far away. Than I can see how Manchester looks by night time.' I reply and all the boys seem satisfied with that reply. 

Out of the corner of my eye I see two giggling girls walking closer to our table. They seem to be in their teens, about fourteen, maybe fifteen. I tap Liam on his shoulder and nod in their direction. Liam looks over in their direction and smiles warmly at them and motions for them to come over. Both are obviously fans. Not only judging by their giggling and staring at us from a distance, but also from our faces being on the wristbands they're wearing. 

'Hello ladies.' Niall says to the girls once they reached our table. 

'C-can we take a p-picture with y-you guys?' The most confident one of the two asks us stuttering slightly. We all nod and one of the two goes to one of the waitresses who was cleaning the tables to ask her to take the picture. She agrees and we all go stand to take the picture. 

As the photo is taken they ask us to sign their phone, which we did. Now they got a picture and a signed phone of us. I always wonder where people get the pen paper from when they asks us to sign stuff for them. Like, do they always take it with them or something?

'Please don't tell anyone we're here, until we are gone. We would like to eat in peace.' Zayn asks the girls in a sweet yet strict voice. Both girls nod as a promise not to tell and leave to let us eat in peace. 

Shortly after that we're all finished with our food and separate our ways outside of the restaurant with a lot of brotherly hugs and promises to keep in touch while we're apart. It will only be for three days, but we'll still talk to each other every day. Since the band was formed their hasn't been a day that we haven't been in touch. 

I start walking in the direction of the hotel where I'll stay for our break while the other boys will go to London to see friends, girlfriends and family. 

Once I turn around the corner I hear a strange sound coming from the alley a few steps away. Cautiously I walk over to the sound. Suddenly I loud yell sounds from the same direction. For some reason the yell sounds familiar. I follow the sound with a bit more confidence in my steps now and walk over to the alley. 

What I'm seeing there is not something I expected, not sure what I expected anyways but I never thought I would look in such frightened forest green eyes. 

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