George: yeah, why?
Clay: I have something cool to show you
I wondered what it might be. I was interrupted from my texts when Sarah tapped me on the shoulder.
For some reason, I turned my phone off quickly, as if I had to hide Clay and I's conversation. I'm not sure why it felt that way.
"Let's go!" She exclaimed excitedly. I smiled slightly and nodded, following her out to a cafe she said she liked.
We went inside, and she ordered some kind of iced latte. I just got some water, and we sat down awkwardly across from her at a small table.
"So, George. Where are you from?" She asked.
"Uh, London. I moved here when I was ten," I replied, sipping my iced water.
"Oh, cool! Did you like London better?"
I shrugged. "It was a while ago, but I like the weather here better. Back home, it was raining half the time."
She nodded. "So, have you had a girlfriend before?"
I choked on my water. Jeez, she was straightforward. I hesitated to answer, seeing the direction the conversation was headed.
I told myself I shouldn't lead her on, it would just be cruel. So I took a deep breath.
"Um, actually, I just wanted to say. I'd like to get to know you more, but not in a....romantic way? I'm sorry if I made you think otherwise, I just wanted to be polite.."
She seemed a little disappointed, but her smile came right back. "That's okay! To be honest, I'm actually in an exchange program. I'm leaving in two weeks for France, and I just wanted to take a shot at asking you out," she laughed a little. "Plus, my grandma is constantly nagging me to at least try, and I think she'd be happy knowing I made an effort."
I laughed, relieved. "Oh, thank god. I really didn't want to break your heart or anything..."
She waved her hand. "It's all good. Don't think that you owe me anything, just because my grandma helps you out."
We talked for about another hour, and I was surprised that she was super talkative and optimistic, even after I turned her down. We chatted about France, her program, the bakery, all sorts of random stuff. By the end of it, I felt light, like a weight was lifted off my chest.
"Thanks for inviting me," I said, as we walked back to the bakery. "That was great."
"You're real nice, George," she said. "It's a shame your parents, you know..."
She turned suddenly. "Oh my gosh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean t-"
I hushed her. "It's fine, I don't mind. It's been a couple years since then, I'm desensitized."
She laughed shyly. "I see, sorry again. I just wanted to say the worse things always seem to come to the best people."
I froze as I saw Clay standing in the bakery, chatting with Louise. Louise saw me and waved, and Clay saw me standing with Sarah.
Oh god, this was awkward.

Detention (DNF)
FanfictionGeorge is homeless, with both of his parents having died when he was a boy. He manages to get by, still going to highschool and switching between sleeping at his friend's houses and on the streets. Clay is a star student, and well liked by both the...