Chapter 8

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"It's still snowing." Carla sighed as they trudged back from Hestia, "When do you think it will stop?"
"It probably won't for a while. Might keep it up through the night. It has done in the past. We once had a mega snow storm that stretched for three days. In the middle of March as well." Kat told her as they stomped up the hill, their boots getting increasingly heavy with snow.
"Blimey, that must have been hard work."
"It was before we had the all weather as well, we couldn't train for three days and suffered the setback for the rest of the season.That was the year my mother died, her horse was unfit you see. Tired sideways into another one and she was a goner." Carla was silent at this outburst, she'd never heard anyone talk about the accident that killed Athena Forest.
"But that is a risk of racing and we are all aware of it. We're a lot more careful about how fit the horse is now." The sentence seemed to amuse Kat a little, "I was going to go and see Dove, do you want to come? You were a little sweet on her, weren't you?"
"She was beyond beautiful. Do you really think she can make a comeback?" Carla asked, a small smiled found it's way to Kat's lips.

Dappled Dove was as beautiful as she had been the first time that Carla saw her. Her head was swinging from side to side over the stable door, she saw Kat and gave a throaty whicker.
"Hello gorgeous, how are you?" Kat asked the filly immediately, slipping a hand betwen the filly's skin and her rug, checking that she wasn't too warm. Dove started to nibbled at her shoulders and Kat shook her off.
"Stop that." She ordered as she stepped inside the stall to continue a meticulous once over of the filly. Dove, knowing that Kat was in no mood for play, turned her attentions to Carla. Her charcoal ears flicked up and she froze in place, eyes flickering over Carla. It struck Carla how tall the filly was, she was nearing eighteen hands and you could really feel it when you stood next to her.
"Big, isn't she?" Kat commented from inside, she was crouching and out of view but Carla guessed she knew fairly well how people first responded to the filly.
"It must of hurt to fall off her back." Carla replied. Kat laughed.
"Very true." She appeared in view again, "I think we'll trot her up."
"Like this? What if she slips?"
"We'll trot her up inside the warm up arena, it's undercover, but it's better to get her out before it ices over then it'll be really dangerous."
"Oh." Carla agreed with every word she heard, "Do you want me to get anything?"
"Go into the tack room and grab her bridle, it's under Dappled Dove, and grab a lunge rein. No scrap that," Kat slipped through the stable door and nudged the kick bolt with her foot, "I'll come with you. She'll need bandages anyway."

Half an hour later the sky was drawing in but Dove was ready to led out. Her legs had been neatly, and expertly, bandaged by Kat in spotless black wrap and her bridle was in place, the bridle that Kat claimed would 'fit a small shire horse'. The filly was eager to get out and was beginning to stamp and dance behind the wooden door.
"Open it up then." Kat nodded. She had the lunge rein looped neatly in one hand with a schooling whip to keep the filly in line. Such a big filly and such a small girl rarely made a good combination. Carla opened the door and Dove all but stampeded out. She gave an excited whinny, her breath frosting in the air, and swung her quarters in delight.
"Stop it." Kat ordered the filly, clicking her tongue. The filly stepped forward almost immediately, eager to move. They walked slowly out of the yard, taking their time and across the snow covered ground that led to the warm up arena. Dove looked gorgeous. Her rug was off and snow slowly settled then melted on her dappled back. They came to the entrance of the warm up arena and Dove stopped, grinding her front feet into the sand.
"Come on." Kat said, clicking her tongue and tugging gently. Dove remained completely still. Kat tapped the filly lightly with school whip in her other hand, hidden out of sight. Carla jumped out of the way just in time before Dove whistled past, loosing the lunge line as she went. Kat was completely unperturbed.
"No Dove." She said without a pause, "Stop that now." Dove was still prancing, trotting an eager circle which was getting smaller as Kat patiently wound the lunge line up again. Dove was enjoying herself though. Her uncut mane and tail were floating in the light breeze her steady trot was creating and her head was high, her eyes bright and alive.
"Easy." Kat finally called and Dove gave a disgruntled snort as she was forced to a walk.
"Looks like you need a lunging pen, not an arena." Carla commented.
"Evidently." Kat agreed, "She looks pretty sound to me, what did you think?" Carla felt a flush of pleasure that a practiced horsewoman such as Kat would ask her that.
"You'd never know she'd been injured." Carla replied. Kat nodded.
"Good. That's all you're getting Dove, if it isn't too icy tomorrow I'll let you lunge." She headed back for the door and Dove dug her heels in.
"Dove, now." Kat's voice was firm and clearly Dove knew not to cross her jockey. With a snort that said 'f-i-ine' she jogged to join her handler and walk back to the yard.

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