Chapter 5

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Aaspaelwin knocked on the door to the farmhouse and waited in the sweltering heat. Sekafi leaned against him, her arm hooked around his neck. Her weight chafed against his battered muscles. The door opened. An olive-skinned man with grey hair and a dark beard glared out from the dark interior of the house. He wore simple farmers' clothes but looked well-fed and stocky.

'What?' he snapped and glared at them.

'Greetings,' Aaspaelwin said and nodded. 'I'm sorry to bother you but –'

'Who are you?' the man interrupted.

'Uh...' Aaspaelwin glanced at Sekafi before answering. 'My name's Aaspaelwin, and –'

'Isn't that an elven name?'

'Yes. But never mind that, I'd like to ask you a question.' Aaspaelwin tried again, his patience running short.

'You don't look like a pure elf,' the man stated and spat on the ground. 'You a half-breed?'

Aaspaelwin's face heated in indignation, but he swallowed his pride. He needed the man's help. 'Yes.'

'Thought so. Disgusting.'


'I thought that was forbidden.'

'Not... where I'm from...'

Sekafi growled, and Aaspaelwin felt her muscles tense. He prepared for the worst.

The farmer took a cautious step back but didn't change his demeanour. 'It's not natural, mixing breeds like that.' He crossed his muscled arms and tossed his head. 'What d'you want?'

'Please, my friend's been hurt. And I only ask for some shelter for her so that I can get to the city faster and get help.'

'You've been hurt too. You're still standing. What do I care if your hyena's too lazy to walk?'

Bristling with fury, Aaspaelwin clenched a fist but kept his voice calm. 'She's not a hyena, she's an Ikelos. And she's been poisoned. Can you please help us?'

The man gave them a sceptical look. 'What's in it for me? I don't want no trouble with strangers and half-breeds.'

'Look, I'm sorry for the bother, but I'll return as fast as I can with help. Please?' He hated to beg to this piece of dirt but there were no other farms within sight and before they'd reach the next one, Sekafi might collapse in the heat. By the dark ones, he'd collapse in the heat. 'All I'm asking for is a sheltered place and some water. That's not too much to ask, is it? I'll pay you for the trouble. Please, kind sir.'

'How much?' His eyes gleamed at the mere mention of money.

'I can give you five Talents?' Aaspaelwin said. Too much already, but what could he do? He needed his help. Best not be cheap.

'Five?' The farmer sucked on a tooth and watched Sekafi. 'For keeping that?'

'I can bring back more, but only if she's been properly cared for.'

'Bring me ten more Talents, and I'll let her rest in the shed.'

The shed? Not exactly great, but better than nothing he supposed. At least it'd be shielded from the sun.

'Fine,' he snapped. 'Show the way.' Fifteen talents were probably more than the man made in several months, but Sekafi was worth the price.

The man smirked and strode past them. Aaspaelwin follwed, staggering under Sekafi's weight. He was too tired for this. But he'd be able to travel faster without her. 'I'll be fine,' he whispered to her. 'You'll just rest here, and I'll be back as fast as I can, all right?'

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