Chapter 18

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Aaspaelwin had barely opened the door before he ran head-first into something large. He stiffened for a second as strong, furry arms embraced him into a crushing hug and his feet left the floor. With a groan, he focused on Sekafi, a smile worming its way onto his lips. She pressed her forehead against his and rubbed against him. He wheezed out a laugh and drew breath to speak when she licked him across his face, just like a happy dog.

He sputtered. 'Hey! Stop that, you animal.'

Her high-pitched laugh reminded him of the dangers he'd escaped. The smile became a grimace.

'What's up? Something happened?' She let him back down and studied him critically. 'You look a wreck. Also, you kinda smell.' She wrinkled her nose. 'What happened?'

'Wait, hold your horses.' Aspen wiped his face on the hem of his cape. 'What are you doing back already? I didn't think you'd be back until tomorrow.'

She grinned and flopped down on his bed. 'I didn't have to go with the trader the entire way so I could return faster. Great huh?'

'But... what about the money?' He almost didn't dare ask, afraid she might get offended or hurt. She'd done it only to keep their economy afloat after all.

'He paid me in full.'

'Really? That was nice of...' Her mischievous grin told him all he needed to know. 'Ah. I guess you had a hand in his generosity?'

She raised her eyebrows and indicated herself, batting her eyes innocently. 'Me? I merely pointed out that I had saved him from trouble with some footpads already and that I'd been willing to travel all the way for him and that such loyalty must surely be worth the full payment, even though he decided to break the contract early.'

'Mhm... I'm sure you used such kind words too, and with the most mild-mannered behaviour, right?'

'But of course, elfling. What else would you expect from me?'

'Oh, nothing much.' He smirked.

'So, what happened to you? Why were you out this late? I told you not to get into trouble.'

'I didn't get into trouble,' Aspen began but his traitorous face heated, giving him away. He smiled guiltily as she crossed her arms.


Aaspaelwin peeked out the door, then locked it firmly, walked over to the window and looked out through the shutters, making sure nobody watched them. As he returned his attention to Sekafi, she sat with her head cocked to the side, watching him curiously.

'Something serious happened, huh?'

He nodded and sat down beside her on the bed. 'I think... I mean. Hapow, and the monster, I saw it! I got this note and...' He pulled the crumpled parchment out of his pocket and started unfolding it when her big hand covered his. Calm down. He looked up into her warm, yellow eyes, concern filling them to the brim.

'Aspen, slow down. One thing at a time.'

'Right, sorry.' He told her everything from the beginning. Once done, he asked, 'Do you think... it was real?' He wanted her to say it was just his imagination, that nothing would happen. But of course she didn't.

'I know you're crazy, Aspen, but you're not delirious. If you saw it, it was because it was there.' She silenced and for a while stared blankly ahead, only her round ears moving. Then she gave him a long look. 'But why didn't it attack you? Why are you not dead?'

He shrugged, having wondered about that himself. 'Maybe it was scared?' He snorted at his own suggestion. The monster, scared of him? A little weakling? No, it hadn't backed away even when they'd cut off one of its legs and blinded several eyes. It wouldn't stay away from him from fear. But something had kept it from attacking. 'It tried to hit me with its tongue,' he mumbled.

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