Chapter 9

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Swords rang from their sheaths accompanied by loud shouts. Aaspaelwin tumbled from the rock and landed in the dry brambles and thick layer of fallen needles. For a moment, he was too shocked to fully register what had happened. The goblin yelped in a distinctly high-pitched tone followed by Sir Hapow's angry yelling. Footsteps rushed him by a few seconds later. Aspen clambered to his feet, unsure what to do. Hiaashaqwi grabbed his arm before he had time to make up his mind.

'Be still,' the samandar demanded.

'Wait, you don't understand what happened yet!' He pulled his arm in an attempt to get free, but Hiaashaqwi tightened his grip. 'That hurts. If you'd loosen up, that'd be great. Please? I'd like to keep my a...' The look the samandar gave him was far from friendly, and Aspen clapped his mouth shut. He turned his attention to the chase going on.

Sir Hapow swung his sword after the nimble goblin, hitting several trees. The goblin ducked and weaved as Sir Hapow roared. Then, to his surprise the small creature climbed up a tree, agile as a squirrel.

'You get down here, you piece of trash!' Sir Hapow kicked the tree trunk and glared up.

''No. You bad. Go away!' The goblin replied and tossed a pine cone, nearly hitting his helmet.

'By the gods, you will get down here, or I'll have you shot!'

Another cone flew down, hitting his shoulder. He roared and attempted to climb the tree, but with his armour and the sword in one hand, he didn't get far.

'Lissen! You go away, we leave you be. But you go now. And shhh!'

'You were gonna stab us in our sleep, weren't you? You murderous little creep!'

'No no! The many eyes, it comes, it comes!' It tried to hush at Sir Hapow but he was too enraged to care. Aspen cringed at every loud shout and clang of the sword as Sir Hapow beat the trunk. Aspen glanced about but didn't see any monsters. His heart raced nonetheless.

'Please, Hiaash...aqwi.' He faltered, unsure of how to pronounce the name. The samandar watched him without a word. 'The goblin lives here, I think. It can help us. It didn't seem inclined to hurt us as long as we're not here to... steal the monster. We can reason this out!'

'Maybe you can,' Hiaashaqwi replied, cocking his head towards Sir Hapow. 'But he won't listen to anything right now, and you know it.'

'But he'll listen to you!' Aaspaelwin hissed, glancing around again. 'Look, he's gonna draw the monster with all this racket, we have to stop it right now. Please?'

For several seconds the Samandar looked at him, his eyes unreadable. Aspen's hope for help dwindled. Then he turned his head to watch Sir Hapow and the goblin, letting go of his arm.

'Thank you!' Aspen said. 'Umm, isn't he unusually angry by the way?'

'Jaki,' Hiaashaqwi called, ignoring him. 'Wait.'

To Aaspaelwin's surprise, Sir Hapow hesitated and glanced their way. 'What?'

'Maybe we should listen to it. Its got information.'

'What information?' Sir Hapow yelled, searching the forest floor and picking up a rock.

'About the monster.' Hiaashaqwi looked at Aspen who nodded.

'You'd believe that stupid half-breed and a goblin! You've lost it too.'

The samandar's tail-tip whipped from side to side in an annoyed manner. Like a cat, Aspen noted. 'No, I'd just like to find out for myself.'

Sir Hapow hurled the rock at the goblin. Some heated curses followed.

'Please, let us talk with it!' Aaspaelwin begged.

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