Chapter 10

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Sekafi and Aaspaelwin ran full tilt after the small figure ahead of them. How could the goblin move so swiftly, Aspen wondered. Another crash of a tree behind them told him the monster had closed in on them. He sucked in a breath and jumped across a small hollow, lucky to have spotted it in time.

Fall now, and you're dead. We're all dead. They'd never make it. He glanced back, glimpsing the red scales of Hiaashaqwi some way behind them, glowing in the morning sun. Sir Hapow ran by his side, staring straight forward. And behind them. The monster. Eyes, so many eyes. Black and huge, tentacles flailing, maw slavering, and clawed feet tearing along. Unreal in the warm sunlight. Aspen stumbled, tottered, and would have gone down if not for a strong hand pulling him back up on his feet.

'Stay sharp, Aspen,' Sekafi panted.

He nodded, too out of breath to reply. Keep moving. His legs protested, heavy and leaden. His heart slammed against his ribcage and his lungs burned. Sweat ran down his face and back. They'd never make it. They'd die.

'There!' Mirok pointed ahead, towards a rocky hill, covered in dry brambles, dying trees, and shrubs. 'Hide. Hurry.'

Aaspaelwin willed his legs to move faster but nothing happened. Like moving through thick mud, the more he tried to speed up, the slower it went. A panicked yell built up in his chest, but he bit his teeth together, expecting the claws of the monster to rend his back any second. Branches slapped him. Face, arms, legs. Everything burned.

Mirok vanished, and Sekafi threw herself down a second later. A hole of some kind. A tunnel. But it was small and tight. Sekafi blocked the opening.

With a desperate whine escaping him, Aaspaelwin threw himself at her full speed. The sudden shove sent her tumbling through the opening, and Aspen scrambled in after her, gasping for breath. They crawled as fast they could further in, darkness and falling dirt blinding them. Before long, they stopped and looked back towards the opening. Dark shapes moved and blocked the light from outside. A shrill howl echoed down the tunnel, cutting into their ears.

'Holy huntress,' Sekafi growled beside him, making him jump.

He nodded in the blackness, still gasping for air.

'Come come, move,' Mirok whispered behind them. 'Cave.'

On shaking arms and legs, Aspen and Sekafi resumed their crawling through the narrow tunnel, feeling their way with their hands. Hiaashaqwi and Sir Hapow grunted and muttered behind them. Every now and then growls and shrieks followed them.

A light flared, and everyone squinted their eyes at the sudden brightness. The goblin held a torch aloft, lighting a low-ceilinged cave. They couldn't stand upright, but at least they didn't have to crawl. They sat with their backs against the rough stonewalls, the humid air cool after the heat outside. Hiaashaqwi and Sir Hapow entered through the tunnel and stopped. The air thickened with tense silence.

'There they are, cowards and backstabbers,' Sir Hapow growled. 'You should b –'

Hiaashaqwi silenced him with a tail slap, and Aspen choked back a laugh. How could he laugh in this situation? It was absurd. Still, hysterical mirth bubbled and threatened to escape.

'Why're you looking so smug, half-breed?' the man snapped.

'You watch your tongue, guard, or I'll filé you where you are,' Sekafi rumbled.

Odd how threatening she could be, Aspen thought, sitting in a cave so low she'd have to stand doubled over if she tried to rise. How she'd be able to filé anyone like that was beyond him. The thought nonetheless cracked him up and laughter spilled out, echoing in the cave. Everyone stared at him. It didn't help. He slumped to the floor, shaking.

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