Chapter 21

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Aaspaelwin pulled his eyes up from his tired feet. At first he wasn't sure what to look at, but then he spotted the dark shadowy wall of Yaarpa through the heavy morning fog, tall and imposing. Unlike the palisade of Toin Caas, Yaarpa had a proper stonewall with battlements and towers.

'Almost there,' Sekafi said, relief audible in her voice.

Aspen smiled, but was too tired to say anything. The heavy rains had pelted them through their entire journey, slowing them down and making sleep impossible. It had only stopped a few hours ago. His clothes clung uncomfortably to his skin, his hair lay plastered against his head and face, and mud covered his boots and hose. Sekafi looked just as bad, her fur flattened and tufty. He wondered if they'd be let into the city, looking like this. But surely, the guards must realize the weather they'd just travelled through?

'Do you think this fog will last all day?' Sekafi asked.

Aspen frowned. How could she have energy left for small talk at this time? 'I don't know, and I don't care.'

Her laugh cut sharply through the silence. 'Well, someone's in a bad mood.'

'How are you in such a great mood? We're drenched! And by the gods, I'm tired.'

She giggled. 'I don't wanna rub it in or anything but I told you so.'

He huffed and muttered, 'I think you do though.' But he didn't really mind being poked fun at. They always did.

Some time later they approached the gates in the tall, sand-coloured walls. If anything, the fog had increased with the rising sun, and the sky blazed a blinding white above, making the shadows under the wall stark black. He couldn't make out the guards until they were almost upon them.

'Hold up,' one of them ordered as they entered the shadows by the portcullis.

Aspen and Sekafi stopped as one. He studied the guards silently, not sure what to expect. They appeared human, dressed in white gambesons covered by mail, open-faced helmets, and armed with spears.

'What're your names and business?' The first guard demanded, but his relaxed posture told Aspen all he needed.

'Aaspaelwin Selksem and Sekafi Zand,' he replied. 'We're here to visit a friend.'

'Visitation only?' The guard raised an eyebrow and swept his gaze over their muddy appearances. 'From Toin Caas?'

'Yes. Family crisis,' Aspen said. 'We're in a hurry.'

'Not fleeing then?' the guard asked in a sceptical tone.

'Uh, no.' Aspen shifted his weight uncomfortably. 'No yet,' he added under his breath.

'Lucky. We've had several non-humans arriving lately because of what's going on over there.'

'I see. Well, we're just visiting.' He hoped he sounded sincere enough.

The guard nodded, gave a slight smile and pointed towards something by the entrance. 'Measure your weapons. If they're longer than that, you have to leave them here before entering, as the law states.'

Aspen glanced at Sekafi, but she didn't even blink. Maybe she had known?

They walked up to the wall. A black-painted wooden short sword hung by a chain. They pulled out their weapons and measured. Aspen's knife reached about halfway, but Sekafi's golok was on the verge, the tip protruding a tiny bit longer than the wooden sword's. But the guard made no comment as she looked his way. She sheathed it again, nodded to the man, and started walking in under the tall gateway. Aspen followed. They seemed less opposed to non-humans here in Yaarpa, he thought. Either that, or it was just this guard. Didn't really matter though. They had gotten in.

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