Chapter 19

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'Sir Hapow was too busy to meet with you,' the innkeeper said in a hushed tone. 'But he's kept his eyes and ears open in the Council for quite some time now, and he was pretty certain...' She glanced around, making sure the door was shut and nobody was about to enter. 'Lady Ileena isn't on the Council Master's side. She has agreed to meet with you. She has inside information about what is going on. But she can't just meet you out in the open, or you and her both will be in terrible danger. Or so she says.'

Sekafi nodded and crossed her arms. 'Where do we meet her?'

'Council Master?' Aspen asked.

'Yes, Master Owadro. It's his new title apparently.' The innkeeper turned back to Sekafi. 'The Lady is going on a trip tomorrow evening. She will claim to be feeling ill and need an early break at The Wild Sefnya, a respectable inn. You can travel there ahead of her. It lies about eight miles down the road to Soerk.'

'Won't she have people with her? Guards or something?' Aaspaelwin asked, his thin eyebrows furrowed over pale blue eyes. He looked tired, Sekafi thought. The tiny elfling wasn't made for stuff like this.

'Yes, of course. But they're her own people. They won't question her decision to stop early. However, you might need to figure out a way to talk in privacy. The less her guards know, the better.'

'Great,' Sekafi muttered.

'We'll do it,' Aspen said and pulled up his hood again. 'Anything else?'

The innkeeper shook her head. 'Just go in good time.'

'Right. Thank you.'

Aspen turned and exited the room and Sekafi followed. Once outside, she nudged him in the side. He glanced up.

'It's gonna be about three hours walk. You up for it?'

'That's fine. It's not like we're unused to walking.' He gave a fleeting smile.

'True. But you might die from the heat out in the plains. You're such a weakling.'

He snorted. 'We're bringing water.'

'I don't wanna carry you, you know. Even if you're not that heavy.'

'You won't need to. But even if you had to, you're such a brute you probably wouldn't even notice.'

Sekafi yapped with mirth. It felt good to be going out again with her favourite humanoid.

* * * * *

The following evening, Sekafi and Aaspaelwin sat in the busy inn's main hall, discussing how to best approach and speak with Lady Ileena without her guards noticing or overhearing too much. But before they'd reached a decision, the door opened and the tall, richly dressed dark lady entered. Gold earrings sparkled from her ears and a red headband covered her short, tightly curled hair. A practical red and ochre dress wrapped around her slim figure, reaching shortly below her knees. Four guards flanked her, glaring suspiciously at everyone as the Lady ordered a room.

After a quick glance at Lady Ileena, Aspen hurriedly looked down into his mug, hiding his pale face. Sekafi smiled, unable to do much to conceal her large frame. She did her best to show indifference, however, leaning on the chair's back legs and eyeing the roof thoughtfully, a large mug of steaming tea in her hand. The spicy scent blocked out the sweaty odour of the surrounding patrons. The crowded room made it easier to avoid being spotted too.

Sekafi angled her ears toward the Lady, trying to hear what she said over the murmured conversations all around. But all she caught was "room" and "tomorrow". She assumed Lady Ileena wouldn't be staying at the inn for long.

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