Chapter 11

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Sekafi followed Aspen back to the others, sneaking as silently as possible. While she could move faster than him, she couldn't be as quiet. He moved like a spirit. He seemed fine, at least. She glanced towards the others, hiding in the shadows. She'd kill that guard if he touched Aspen again, she vowed. But right now, they had more pressing matters to deal with.

Her ears flicked back and forth, noting every snap of a twig, every whisper of wind through the branches, every crackle of needles and leaves. Every footstep.

The monster didn't seem inclined to bother them for now, but she knew how fast it could move.

They huddled down beside the others.

'What now?' Aspen asked and brushed his black hair back behind his ears.

'We go home, give it to the mage, right?' Sekafi whispered.

'If we're done, we're leaving right now,' Sir Hapow grunted. 'No point in lingering here.'

Sekafi glared at him, but held her tongue.

'You got the big stone?' Mirok asked.

'Huh?' Aspen and Sekafi said simultaneously.

'I thought we were done? Aspen?' She turned to him. His already pale face had blanched to a marble-like paleness. Or was it the moonlight? No. His eyes shone with fear. Brave little elfling, scared stiff.

'The... big stone?' he breathed.

'Yes. Big stone. In middle. Got writing too. You no know?'

He cursed. Something he seldom did. A growl rose in Sekafi's throat, drawing the goblin's eyes. She stepped back and raised her hands.

'I only tell you!'

'Can you lead us to it?' Aspen asked quietly. 'We have to get them all. I think.'

'Are you sure about it?' She put a steadying hand on his shoulder. If the mage hadn't said anything about it, they probably didn't have to get it. And she'd hate to get him into danger needlessly. The big stone stood in the middle of the circle. The monster had been there last time.

He turned his pale eyes on her, wide, pupils dilated beyond normal. 'What happens if we need them, and we don't have them?'

She nodded. Why did he have to make sense? 'We'd have to go back.'

'Yes. And I really, really don't want to go here ever again.' He looked at Mirok. ' No offence.'

She grinned. 'We don't want you here either.'

Sekafi snorted, held back a grin.

'We like you too,' Aspen chuckled. Then his face fell again. 'Lead the way. Best get this over with as soon as possible.'

Finding the stone was easy, but moving into the barren, treeless glade, filled with rotting tree trunks, branches, and old remains of warriors, fighters, hunters, and soldiers was harrowing at best. Sekafi crouched, following Aspen as close as possible. The others had again stayed back, hoping it would make less noise. She only hoped the monster wouldn't notice them, or feel their presence somehow. Her lips curled and her hackles rose. The stench of decay permeated the air, making it impossible to smell the monster in the wind. The moons had climbed high into the sky and shone brightly into the glade. They might as well have come in broad daylight.

'Keep your eyes open. There's only a few symbols here. I'll copy them fast,' Aspen whispered.

She nodded. The big stone obstructed her vision, so she moved until she had it between her and their friends. They'd be able to yell if the monster came from that direction. Her heart pounded heavily in her chest as she waited, the scratching of the stylus on parchment grating on her nerves. Every noise made her muscles twitch. She kept a hand on her golok in case. But nothing disturbed them.

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