Chapter 7

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After walking for three days, the small party had entered the outskirts of the sick woods. Aspaelwin kept glancing about, looking for signs of the monster. He didn't expect it to come this far out, but you never knew. It depended on the rules set down by the one who had summoned it, Master Owadro had explained. The hot weather beat down on them despite the shade of the trees. Sweat trickled down his face and he pulled the cowl of his cape forward to shield him from the burning sun. Sir Hapow snickered but refrained from commenting.

Aspaelwin frowned. Both guards thought less of him for being a half-breed, but also for being from the northwest, where the sun wasn't as hot as here. His pale skin couldn't handle it and burned easily. Sometimes he considered moving back to his mother's people, in the mountains. But he didn't like the cold and the snow. And the high-elves weren't very keen on half-breeds either. Maybe he should migrate to Terador. He'd heard they were more used to half-elves there, living close to the wood-elves in the region.

They pressed deeper into the oppressive pine forest, heading down towards the small river when a screech tore through the air. Aspaelwin stopped in his tracks, his breath hitching. His hand snapped to the hilt of the curved knife, gripping it hard. He searched their surroundings, straining his eyes in his efforts to see everything at once. The guards halted. The ringing of steel as they drew their arming swords grated on Aspaelwin's ears. He resisted the urge to hush at them. It was already too late. If the monster was near, it'd have heard them. He swallowed, his throat dry and his lips parched from fear.

Thunder shook the ground, rhythmic and fast. Something heavy coming their way. Hiaashaqwi shouted and pushed Aspaelwin out of the way. Something hurtled past, snorting and whining. Aspaelwin's heart thrummed, his chest constricting. Unable to breathe, he froze, his hands shaking with terror. It was here. They'd die. Dear gods.

The guards shouted and spread out to keep Aspaelwin between them. The black beast skidded to a stop, spraying dirt and dust into the air. Tossing its massive horned head, it charged them. Sir Hapow dipped low to the side and stabbed his sword towards the creature's side. It snorted and shied aside from the glancing blow with a whine.

It shook Aspaelwin from his paralysis. It wasn't it. This was something else. A wild animal. Not a monster. He drew a deep shuddering breath and pulled the knife from it's sheath. As the animal spun around again, he studied it more closely. It looked like a huge deformed deer. Black and powerfully built with bulging red eyes and large swivelling ears, it sported a huge rack of twisting and malformed horns. Sores and boils covered its hide and an arrow stuck out from it's back. It gave a strange ear-splitting call, lowered it's head and charged again. It bowled right into Sir Hapow, throwing him to the ground. It kicked and stomped as he rolled and scrambled to get back up.

Hiaashaqui jumped towards it, hissing. He raised the sword and cut the large deer across the back. It reared up with a screech and kicked out, knocking him back. Blood flowed down it's sides. Flaring it's red nostrils, it jumped forward. The samandar dove to the side and spat at the animal. Aspaelwin stared at them, his feet rooted to the ground. The huge deer locked eyes on him. A tremble coursed through him as it ran straight for him. He raised the small knife. Sir Hapow appeared before him and stabbed towards the animal. Unable, or unwilling, to evade it, the huge beast speared itself in the shoulder as it lunged forward and bit into the guard's upper arm, spraying froth. Sir Hapow roared as he and the deer fell to the ground in a heap. Aspaelwin stumbled back, avoiding the animal's sharp horns by a breath's width. The struggle on the ground ended in a few seconds as the animal cramped and thrashed, it's eyes rolling wildly in their sockets. Bleeding from its nose and mouth, it sagged to the ground. Sir Hapow grunted and pulled himself out from under it.

Aspaelwin cautiously approached and nudged it with the tip of his boot. What was wrong with this thing? And why had it suddenly died? The wounds inflicted on it weren't serious enough to fell it. He jumped as someone placed a hand on his shoulder. Looking back, he met Sir Hapow's steely gaze. The guard seemed fine, if dirty and sweaty from the ordeal.

Cursed Forest [Ongoing]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें