Behind the Headset

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Everything was cold, everything was dark; no light penetrated through the thick walls intent on keeping those inside locked firmly and without hope. All that could be heard was the clink of a chain, the rattle of a lock and the occasional scuffle of movement.

"Tell me." The chains clinked once more. "How do you like painting in crimson?"


Humming a little tune as you closed your front door behind you, you dumped your bag on the counter next to you. You were smiling, a bit of pep in your step as you stretched your arms above your head and went towards your sofa. The view from your living room had to be one of the best in the city; sprawling, urban buildings framed by a glass window that spanned the back wall. Your apartment was by no means a penthouse, but it was just as good as one.

Checking your phone, you notice that evening was coming in fast. Although that was already evident from the buttery-golden skies that came along with the setting sun. You glanced around, drumming your fingers on the edge of the sofa's arm contently. The fridge caught your eye, making you remember just how thirsty you were. Drinking was important, especially so with your job. So pushing yourself back up to a stand, you got to business.

You grabbed a bottle from the fridge and headed off to your office room, briefly shuffling into your slippers on the way as your feet were getting cold. You made a point to take off shoes before entering, you didn't live in an expensive apartment just to have dirty floors.

When you got to the office door, you swung it open. The sight always made you grin. On the back wall there was a large, custom LED light that had the word CrimsonSane bent into shape. Under that, there was a mini fridge and some shelving units in white. Opposite to the lot of it was a desk; a double monitor set up on it along with a white and red gaming chair in front of it.

Sliding into the chair, it spun once with your force before finally facing the front. You pulled out your phone, eyes briefly scanning the screen to see all the notifications displayed. Leaning back, you opened your phone and tapped away on it with one hand while bringing a mic, which stood on the desk, closer towards you with the free one. Your eyes flickered between the phone and one of the monitors as you multitasked, opening up the PC and bringing up your platform.

Putting your phone to one side, you twirled in your chair once more to open up the mini fridge. You already had water but that wasn't going to get you through into the early hours of the morning. Quickly grabbing the first can to touch your fingers, you turned back and noticed that your countdown was finally starting. There was a good ten minutes, but you still slipped on your headset and did a quick mic check.

By the time you had loaded up your game and finished setting up any needed software, the timer had ticked down to ten seconds. You were ready to rumble; ready to get to work. A grin stretched on your face as the familiar thrill that never seemed to cease prickled down your spine.

"Let's get this show on the road." You sang, settling yourself.

The chat wizzed by in blurs of white. So many people wanted to catch your attention, donation messages flickering by on the screen. You talked and talked, somehow never failing to catch the audience's interest and fuel their excitement. There were fans who liked to call you their 'comfort streamer', others who were bold enough to ask for your hand in marriage. That one weirded you out a little, but you played it off with jokes here and there. Nothing like a coverup laugh.

Every time you would stream, there was at least one clip that would make it big by the end. According to your phone's YouTube notifications, some fan accounts had already begun posting the clips and gaining attention from them.

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