So It Begins

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"So let me get this straight," Killer looked at you, then looked at Kid, who was sitting to your right.
"You want to drag her into this for her safety?"

"Exactly." Kid said simply in reply.

All the guys had gathered in the lobby of the garage. The sofa was taken up by three of you; Kid on one side, Heat on the other. Killer was sitting opposite on one of the moth-eaten armchairs with Wire standing next to him. It was quite the meeting, to say the least.

The redhead continued casually. "I told you the reason, it shouldn't be too hard to agree."

"I do agree, but this technically means she will be in more trouble than she already is should anything happen." Killer explained, clearly unsure.

The redhead waved his friend off, throwing an arm around the back of the sofa so it rested behind your head. You were sat on the edge, fiddling with a loose thread on your worn t-shirt.
Killer sighed, sinking further into the chair with one hand to his face. The man could tell Kid wasn't going to budge.

"Being an online personality and a criminal won't mix. (Y/n)," You looked up. For a second, you caught a flash of blue eyes from under blonde hair. Killer looked serious, maybe with a hint of worry. "What are you going to do?"

Frowning, your head cocked to one side. "About my job?"

He nodded.

It was true, that was a problem. But you had been dealing with it thus far. How much harder could it be?

You shrugged, feeling all eyes on you. "I've been doing fine up until this point, I'm sure it will be okay. I've fallen far enough and I'm prepared for the consequences."

"See? What did I say?" Kid chuckled, your eyes connecting with his momentarily as you looked to the side.

You smiled a little, feeling a bit nervous at the same time. The ball was now rolling, and it wasn't going to stop until someone wedged it in place.

That thing would either be death, or the police.

"So," Kid's words followed by a single pat to your head that pulled you from your trance. What could you say, his eyes were easy to get lost in. You flustered momentarily. "Let's get you used to this shit, Squeak."

Kid then went through the lot of it.

Apparently all the business entailed in basic was theft. That was the foundation. The guys would start by going out, finding something of note to steal it. Whether that be cars or their parts, mainly. Other things involved raw money, sometimes even construction supply. If things went wrong, that's where the fighting and worse things comes into play. However that only happened when it got bad.

"Hey, (y/n)?"

Killer had his head in the boot of a client's car, fixing up a few missing panels from the back seats. Sometimes, the garage was really just a garage. On this occasion, the blonde was actually fixing up a car to give it back to its owner.


You hung around, waiting for something to do. Kid told you this and that but Killer had insisted you watch and learn how a day goes by.

"You any good with tech?" He asked, frowning.

You hummed. "Well yeah, I stream so I would say so."

He flashed you a smile, leaning back to wipe the sweat accumulating under his bangs.

"Are you good with the actual systems of computers and things like, I dunno, the science behind them?"

"I only have an A-level in Computer Science," You nodded, getting up off the small chair you were seated on. It had taken a while to get used to the potent smell of fuel, but you were getting there. "I've messed around with things here and there."

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