✿ ɢᴀʀᴅᴇɴ ᴠᴏɪᴅ ✿

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"Life is a journey to be experienced, not a problem to be solved". - Winnie The Pooh


Sans? Pov

No gravity, light and sound
It grew Darker yet darker, they are always by your side.You see them stare back at you, mocking your fate.

I don't remember how I got here nor how long I've been here. I continue wandering through the void, searching for something that can free me from this cursed place. This place is making me slowly lose my sanity.
I'm tired to think about all of this, maybe i should think something more positif

Like maybe I'm here because I'm dead....

That's bad
oh maybe i'm dead because im protecting someone
That's little better but doesn't make sanse.

when I daydream. I feel something soft in my pocket and touch it. I take it out, it turns out to be......
What is this thing? Their blue produces blue light, and their aroma embraces a nostalgic feeling in me. Oh, is an echo flower, I'm not particularly sure how I know it. but this things make me feel a bit better.

The calmness slowly drove him to the subconscious. Unnoticed by him, a light shines brightly yellow toward him and takes him somewhere.


Sans wake up

His eyes being attacked by bright colors, he is not used to seeing anything except black.
Out of instinct, shielding his eyes with his skeleton hand, He squinted. After he adapted a bit he uncovered his hand.
Wait, where am i? He looked around him and noticed a familiar star beside him and a colorful flower?...
Is this a dream? He try to hit himself and its hurt, he realized what happening

Sans? Pov

I felt a surge of panic arise up within my soul when I realize I'm not void, I'm in a different place which is nice but I don't know if this place has potential danger for myself.
I was quickly on guard. i observe around me
There laid a huge field garden that looks like Heaven, filled with gorgeous flowers of various colors. It doesn't even look real, it looks like a painting.

walking around won't hurt right?
I took a stroll around this place. The flor giving a strange sensation in my feet but feels comfortable, a sharp floral scent lined the air around bring me safe and comfortable stage


Eat the flower

Yes no


Um yeah maybe later i don't want to get poisoned

"Howdy! Is it rude thing to walk into someone's house without permission "

A voice with southern slang, yet familiar to me, appeared out of nowhere and startled me.
I glance my surrounding, attempt to find the source of the voice.
I only to found a flower ?
The flower has 5-6 white petal, a yellowish center, and their happy face is outlined in white lines.

"Hello there! I'm Jasmine! Jasmine the flower, say sans ya look so confused there!"

'Jasmine' says with a friendly tone.
Sans? Is that my name? A shock wave of old memories struck my skull, and I held my head try to reduce the pain.

Florist Merchants Journey - Melati!sansWhere stories live. Discover now