8. Lover

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Klaus was pouring the blood from a young blonde girl's wrist when he asked Rebekah, "Have you spoken to our good friend Marcel today?"

"No. Should I have?" She asked while taking a sip of her tea.

"Well, he's been mysteriously silent, avoiding me, some might say. I thought, perhaps, he may have whispered reasons into your ear along with all of those sweet nothings." He teased.

"If I see him, I'll be sure to ask if he's still sore at you." Rebekah then stared into her brother's soul with her piercing eyes.

When Klaus sat down he sent the girl off. She was quickly stopped by Lilith who pulled the girl into her lap. Lilith smiled at her before licking the girl's wounded wrist.

"Let me give a voice to that look in your eyes. 'My saintly, noble brother lies writhing in agony in the bayou, victim of my bastard brother's bite. When just one or two drops of his blood would ease his pain.'" Klaus guessed while his sister stared back at him with a smile.

"On the contrary, Nik. I am simply enjoying my brekkie and waiting for Elijah's healthy return." Rebekah sounded suspiciously okay with her brother's pain.

"Oh, come on, Rebekah. You've been giving me the devil's eye all morning. Out with it." Klaus demanded.

Lilith laughed, "Are you sure that wasn't just her face?"

      Rebekah scowled at her before saying, "Perhaps I'm concerned that if I voice my opinion about what you did to Elijah, I will end up on the wrong side of your toxic hybrid teeth."

      Lilith scoffed, "As if."

      Klaus smacked the table, "Poppycock. I would never bite you. Elijah made some very offensive accusations about my intentions towards my child. He deserves a day or two of discomfort. Besides, you know my preferred method of punishment for your indiscretions is the dagger."

      Rebekah only chuckled at that. Lilith dropped the girl's wrist and sent her on her way. What the hell was going on with Rebekah? 

      She then stood and leaned over the table so she was face to face with her brother. "There is something fundamentally wrong with you."

      She started to leave but Lilith quickly stood as well. "You're one to talk." She snarled.

      Rebekah didn't stop or hesitate for that matter. Lilith laughed in amazement. What was going on? She turned and looked back at Klaus, he had a suspicious look in his eyes. At least he was suspicious as well.


      Rebekah is off somewhere that Lilith isn't aware of. Klaus has invited Cami over to continue with writing his memoirs. And Lilith has nothing to do.

      So what does she decide to do? Why not take a little field trip? Where to? Take a guess. As I'm sure you figured, Mystic Falls.

      She owed Stefan Salvatore an explanation.


      Lilith hopped into her car. She was gonna drive there on her own. No need for the others now. There was too much drama here. She just needed to clear things up and get this weight off her shoulders. She'd only be gone for a few hours anyway, what could happen?


      A long drive later and here she was. Her first long-term home in hundreds of years. She drove through town. She passed the Whitmore college and went straight to Stefan and Damon's house.

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