valentines day part two

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Ash's pov

Here we are at a restraunt and I can't take my eyes off of Angel. She looks so good in her pale green sundress. Her dress was a deep green v neck. It had purple flowers on the bottom of the dress and the best part was that the dress hugged her body till it reached her hips then it flared out slightly. She looked beautiful. I never want to take my eyes off of her. I am going to tell her how I feel. Tonight is the night. Oh boy.... now to get her alone.

"You guys went all out huh? Raven smiled as she looked around at the resturant. I looked briefly at her then back at Angel. She looked at me for a moment and smiled. I smiled back and she looked away blushing. I heard Andy laugh. "Hey Ash, doesn't Angel look cute?" Sami todl me quite coyly. I looked over at her and smiled.

"Yeah, she does." I smiled at her. Angel blushed a darker color and I couldn't help but smile bigger cause of how cute she looked. "Hey... can I.... ummm... talk to you for a minute... Alone" She looked over at me and nodded. I grabbed her hand in mine and lead her away. I couldn't help but notice how much smaller hers was compared to mine. I also really liked it. When we seemed far enough away from the other boys (I didn't want them to hear incase she said no,) I turned to her. "Okay... Angel... oh boy this is harder than I tought it would be. Right... Angel.... will you.....pleasebemygirlfriend?" I rushed out.

Angel's pov

Did Ashley Purdy just ask me out.... THEE ASHLEY PURDY.... OH MY GOD...OHMYGOOOOD. I looked over at him I was in shock... I noticed the slight sad look on his face... I haven't answered have I...."Yes... Ash...YES!" I shouted. I jumped into his arms, and he caught me and did something unexpected. He kissed me... And damn did I like it. I kissed him back hard and we sat there and made out. It was so damn nice. "ACHEEMMM" we heard someone cough loudly. I pulled away from Ash and looked over at who coughed. It was JInxx...

"It's about damn you two...." he said.

hey guys... sorry for another short chapter i promise the next one will be longer it may just longer for me to write, please vote and comment and go and watch my friend kitty's videos on this story, her youtube is

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