Movie Time YEAHHH

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Raven pov

Today the boys are taking a day off and they wanted to go see a movie, so Angel and I got dragged along to go watch one with them. They all wanted to go see Annabelle, Ang and I did not really wanna go see it but I agreed so I could possibly get some cuddle time with Andy. I have had a crush on him for quite a long time, and I never thought that i would ever get to meet him, let alone tag along with him while he went on tour. I hate they way it all happened, you know with Angel going to the hospital cause of her dad in all, but I can honestly say that it ended up being for the better. Ang is happy and I am pretty sure they guy she likes (Ashley) likes her back. I hope that everything goes okay today, Ang is still a little jumpy, which she always was after her father did shit to her. I always worried about her, as you know, I told someone one time cause she was beaten so bad that I thought I was going to loose my best friend, she denied all accounts I haveof her father beating her and they dismissed the case cause they couldn't prove anything, even with all the bruises covering her body, cause all she did was say she fell down the stairs. After that she didn't talk to me for over a month. I thought that in trying to  prevent me loosing a friend I lost one in the process. She came around eventually and appologized for everything, she never told her father that I was the one who told, she told him a teacher asked cause of the bruises, so her dad continued to like me (I believe it was in a weird sexual kind of way.) Anyway it is getting close to the time we need to leave to make the movie, write in ya later.


I put my journal down and looked up at Andy who came up to the little tabel to tell me that it was almost time to leave. I looked up into his beautiful blue-grey eyes that looked like the ocean. "I'm ready when you are," I told him. He smiled at me and nodded. "Want me to get Angel?"

"No, Ash is getting her." he said with a small twinikle in his eyes. I guess he has noticed Ash and Angel getting close too. There was a loud crashing noise and Andy and I looked back towards the bunks to see Angel lying on top of Ash, from the looks of it she fell off her bunk. I found mysef laughing. I heard a deep chuckle from behind Andy and I, so i turned to look at who it was and saw Jake.

"Jeeze Ash, you just have all the females falling for you don't you?" Ash looked over at Jake and glared. "If you guys don't hurry we will be late for Anabelle." That got Angel to pop right up, that girl loves her a scary movie.

"Hurrry your ass up Ash! I want to watch the scury movie!" she shouted. Ash laughed and got up and scooped Angel into his arms. She started laughing and he carried her towards us. I looked over at Andy who was laughing and shaking his head.

"You guys heard the lil' lady, let's go!!!" Ash yelled at the top of his lungs.He got out the door and then started to run towards the rental car. "Last one to the car pays for all the snacks!" he declared loudly. I took off running cause I  knew I didnt have the money to pay for Andy and Ash's appities. I made it to the car third and Andy followed shortly, then CC, then Jake and JInxx was last so he had to pay for everything, which I told Andy to be nice and only get popcorn and a drink, Angel got Ash to do the same and said if he wanted more he could pay for it later, which surprisingly he agreed to.

The movie had me almost jumping into Andy's lap, and even Angel jumping a bit, but I swear Ash held her hand really tightly. I guess he got scared. We had a really fun day.

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