On the road again

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"Hey Andy, the singing worked last night, but I dont think she remembers that." I said into my phone. I looked over at Angel who was talking to the nurse. She was getting discharged today.

"That's good, we're gonna meet you two at the hospital in the tour bus, I talked to our manager she is coming with us, and so is Raven." he said and I couldn't help but notice how his voice sounded when he said Raven's name.

"Why Andy... if i would have to say you're getting quite smitten with Raven!" I teased him slightly.

"Ya know what Ash, you have no place to talk, you are smitten with Angel." he teased back.

"You my friend are quite mistaken, caring and smitten are different." I said, truth is I'm not quitesure how I feel about Angel. It is highly possible that I have feelings for her. He laughed on the other end.

"Dening it are we?" he laughed. "CC and I both think you like her, and I bet Jinxx and Jake would agree."

"Shush, I'll see you in a bit?" I said seeing that Angel was done talking to the nurse. I wanted to ask the nurse some questions.

"Yep, we shall see ya in about half an hour, so go talk to the new love of your life!!"

"Shut up Andrew!" I growled, all I heard in responce was him laughing like a hyena. I hung up on him and callled the nurse before she walked out of the room. "Ma'am is there anything that I need to look out for?"

"There may be a bit of PTSD but other than that I believe she will be just fine." she said and smiled slghtly flirtaisous at me. Any other time I more than likely would have flirted back. I smiled at her in a nonchalant way and walked over to where Angel was. I smiled at her. "How you feeling?"

"Better, did you stay all night?" she looked up at me with her green eyes.

"Yes I did,  do you want me to text Andy and have him and Raven bring you clothes?" I asked her. She nodded and I smiled. I pulled out my phone and texted Andy.

Me: Hey Andy, could you and Raven go and pick up some clothes from Angel's house for her?

Andy: We can do better, we will go buy her some clothes, I think that it would be nice for her, after all Raven said that she usually had to borrow clothes from her cause her father wouldn't buy her clothes.

Me:Okay, I won't tell her so it can be a surprise.

Andy: Good idea, Raven knows what size she wears and it will give us a way to blow time till her paperwork for the discharge is done.

Me: Yea, see ya in a bit, and grab me a change of clothes to, I am still wearing the clothes from the concert.

Andy: haha no, you can change when you get on the bus.

Me: Jerk

He didn't replty to that, I looked at Angel. "He said he would bring you clothes." I told her. She smiled and looked down at her arms. At her cut scars with a sad expression. "Hey those are a part of who you are and show you how far you have come, Me and the rest of the band will help make sure you never feel as if you have to do that again." She looked up at me with tears streaking down her face, I quickly got on the hospital bed and hugged her. She cried for a few moments. She tucked her head into my neck and cuddled in and I can't say I didn't like the feeling, minus her crying that is.

"Hey Ash..." she said and I mumbled an yes. "You smell." I laughed at her and thats when Andy and Raven walked into the room.

"Well are we ruining a moment?" Andy laughed.

"Nope I was just telling Ash about how much he smells!" Angel declared. I glared at Andy who smirked back at me.

"Well, good, I have a gift for you!" he said loudly, Raven chuckled beside him. He walked over and put a Hottopic bag next to her on the bed. She looked up at him confused. "I decided a new wardrobe was in order with your new start!" Angel picked up the back and looked through it. "That is just an outfit that Rave said you need to wear today, the rest in on your bunk in the bus."

"Wait...the rest and my bunk?"

"YEAAA YOU GET TO TOUR WITH US!" he yelled excitedly. Raven giggled and Angel nodded her head. She picked up a pair of white skinny jeans that had holes on them and pulled out a black and white BVB shirt. She smiled and looked into the bag and blushed.

"Don't worry, I picked those out with the help of Sammi." Raven said. Those words and Angels blush told me all I needed to know about the rest of the contents. Angel gave a relieved sigh and got up and headed to the bathroom to change.

When the door shut I gave Andy a look. "That could have been embarrassing for her..." He howled with laughter at my statment. "So Raven, why did she blush?"

"It was all lacey!!" she decalared and Andy and I both blushed. When Angel came out we gathered up all of our belongings and headed out to finish her paperwork. I pushed the wheelchair she was told she had to leave in and we got to the tour bus. I helped her on and we were greeted by the rest of the gang. CC showed her to her bunk and when she was settled in we headed out on the road.

Andy trying to make Raven and Angel laugh started singing On the Road Again.

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