You're Purdy Too

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  "Come on Ang! It's getting ready to start!" my friend Raven shouted over the screaming fans. We were at a Black Veil Brides concert. Raven had somehow convinced my dad that I was just staying the night at her house. If he knew where I was he would flip shit. I hope he doesn't find out. If he does I will be in so much trouble. "Ang, are you still worried about your dad? I told you my mom is going to cover for you."

  "But what if he--" I started to say but was cut off by the band walking on to the stage. The started out with Perfect Weapon, then they played The Legacy, followed by Fallen Angels, then a few more songs after that. When the concert was over Raven dragged me to meet the band. We approached Andy and Ashley.

   "Hello there ladies," Ashley smiled. He looked at Raven then stared slightly at me. "Wwhat can we do for you lovely ladies?"

   "Andy can I get my shirt signed?" Raven smiled, I am pretty sure she was flirting with him, "and Ashley can you sign something for my best friend Angel here?"

   "Sure, but uhh.... do you have as silver sharpie cause I only have a black one and your shirt is black..." Andy laughed at Raven.

   "Actually I don't... maybe you can sign my hat?" she smiled.

  "Yea I can do that."  Andy smiled back. Raven took off her white beanie and handed it to Andy, w ho signed it for her and gave it back.

   "What about you dear?" Ashley asked me.

   "I don't know..." I said as I looked around at myself. "I don't have anything..." I frowned.

  "I have a notebook in the tour bus if you wanna use it Ash." Andy piped up. Ash nodded and grabbed my wrist a bit roughly causing me to flinch. Me flinching did not go unnoticed by Andy. Ash lead me up to the bus and opened the door for me. Raven and Andy followed in. "Hey Ash help me look around my bunk."

   "Alright." Ash replied to Andy and walked over with Andy to Andy's bunk. They sat there and talked. They weren't even looking. The longer it went on the more nervous I got, especially with Ash sending me glances every so often.

  Five minutes later they stopped talking and Andy pulled a notebook out from under his pillow. As they walked back up to us it was obvious what they were talking about. I looked at the ground as Ash flipped through the notebook to find a blank page. When he did he started writing. After a few minutes he tore out the page and folded it up and went to hand it to me. As I reached for it I had a bad feeling. When I put my hand on the piece of paper I looked at Ash who smiled. When I started to pull away Ash grabbed my forearm and pulled the sleeve of my jacket up.

   He looked at my wrist for a moment with his eyebrows furrowed. "Ang.... why are there cuts here?" he asked quietly. I gulped not wanting to answer. How could I tell them they were there cause of how my father made me feel daily? I looked down, wanting to cry.

  "Heyyy look at the time, Ang we gotta get going my mom is gonna be waiting up for us." Raven piped in. She grabbed my other arm and pulled me from Ash's grip for a moment, before she could get me to far Ash reached out and grabbed me in a ninja fast movement.

  "I can explain to your mom why you guys were late," Ash half growled, staring into Raven's eyes daring her to say anything. Ash opened his mouth to say something else but before he could a loud banging came from outside the bus.

  "YO!! Andy! ASH! You guys done with those girls yet?" CC said as he barged in. He looked around and saw Ash, who was giving him a death glare. He gulped and stepped behind Andy. "What exactly is going on?"

  "You interrupting something!" Ash started to yell, loosening his grip on me I snaked out of his hand's grasp and Raven and I snuck out while CC and Ash started arguing. We made a mad dash for her car and slowed down when we were three rows away. I looked up and saw a figure leaning against Ravens car. I had a guy feeling I knew exactly who it was.

 "Angel what the fuck are you doing here?" I heard a all to familiar voice call out. I opened my mouth to say something, but my dad shouted, "Ya know what I don't wanna hear your goddamn lies!" he grabbed my arm and dragged me away. A few rows over is where my dad parked. "Get in you stupid cunt." I got in and looked back to where Raven was and saw to familiar silhouettes standing with her. If they're there now they probably heard the whole thing if not all of it... I glanced over once more as my dad started his car, Raven was pointing in our general direction and the shorter silhouette glanced over. I wanted to cry as my dad sped out of the parking lot.

  It took literally less than five minutes to get home. Dad dragged me inside and slapped me across the face. "You stupid lying whore of a daughter!" He hit me repeatedly and burned me several times with his cigarette. "Get yer clothes off you stupid slut and come please yer daddy." I held it together while I took my clothes off, I didn't cry as he had his way with me, I didn't cry when he said no one would ever love me. When he was all done I gathered my clothes and went up stairs.

  When I got to my room I broke down I hugged the jacket I wore tonight close to me. I cried for a bit and them remembered Ash's note. I got it out of my pocket and read it. It said, "Hey, you don't have to hurt yourself. If you ever need to talk or need help let me know, A.P." He left his number. I contemplated calling it. I decided after ten minutes I was getting out... It was time I am 18 I can leave if I want to.... Right? I got out the phone that Raven gave me and dialed his number. I took a deep breath and hit send.

   I waited and after the second ring Ash picked up, "Angel? Are you ok?"

  I took another deep breath.... "Ash did you mean what you wrote? Can you help me?"

  "Yes I meant it...what do you need?"

  "I need out..."

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