Consequences (Blazington)

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80sPeach_Syrup: So uhm:

What about a story where daringron and speedrick meet, and he won't leave him alone (kinda like the other story but different)Blaze finds them together, pissed af because he hates speedrick and he won't leave darington alone and its starting to get outta hand. (Like he starts to force himself into dsrkngton, fucking assaults him ew)So they gather their friends to send speedrick to jail, and humiliate him. >:)


"Oh, is that a shooting star I see?~"

Darington groaned as he turned to see the monster machine-turned race car smirking over at him. He had no idea when he had become as 'attractive' as Watts is to males, but it really was getting sick.

"Who are you, and what do you want?"

"The name's Speedrick~" the other smirked. "You can call me Rick. What's your name, shooting star?~"

"Darington," The stunt truck shifted uncomfortably as he moved away from the truck. "And very NOT interested in assholes,"

"Aw, not even a little?~" Speedrick drove closer, wrapping a tire around the stunt truck.

"Not even a smidge," Darington smacked the tire off of him, glaring at the other before driving off. "So leave me alone,"

Speedrick didn't seem to take the hint and only grinned. "D'aww, you playing hard to get, shooting star?~"

Darington groaned but ignored him as he drove to a different direction. The monster machine-turned race car, however, followed after him, eyes full of lust as he drove. Darington didn't need to look back to see him and growled. He came to a stop at the park and turned to face him.

"Dude, I told you to leave me ALONE!" he yelled.

"How can I leave a shooting star like you alone?~" Speedrick came closer with another flirty smirk.

"I swear, Speedrick, leave me be!" Darington drove back to keep a distance.

"And where's the fun in that?~" Speedrick got closer, grabbing him by the tire. "Come on, shooting star, why don't we head over to my place and have some REAL fun~"

Darington flinched at the emphasis before struggling to get his tire out. Speedrick chuckled and started to drag the stunt truck towards him.

"My god, LEAVE ME BE, BITCH!" Darington roared out, growling as he suddenly faced the larger truck.

"You REALLY like playing hard to get, don't you, shooting star?~" Speedrick only tightened his grip and slowly dragged the other away.

'Shit.' Darington hissed before turning away. "HELP---!"

"Oh no, you don't," Speedrick placed his other tire on the other's mouth as he sped up to continue dragging him. "Not getting away this time, little shooting star~"

Darington struggled to get free, his screams of protest and plead muffled because the jerk's tire forbidding from doing so as he was dragged down the street. He was then dragged towards an alley and forced towards the wall. He gasped as his mouth was set free.

"You BITCH OF AN ASSHOLE!" he tried to punch Speedrick, but the larger truck grabbed his tire before it could hit him.

"Shh~ Angry doesn't match you, shooting star~" he lustfully spoke as he drove forward to get on top of him.

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