Bullies Get The Slammer (Wattsla)

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cs4014223: Can you do wattsla

Here's my prompt: watts want's to try starla's lasso. Starla think's that she will broke her lasso but she let's her try it anyway. But watts unintentionally hits her on the eye so she puts a eye bandage to fix the pain. Speedrick then makes fun of starla so watts tased him with a tazer and pickle saw what's happening saw hated speedrick and speedrick got arrested for bullying.


"Uh, can you repeat what you said, beauty?" Starla questioned as she turned to her girlfriend inquisitively. "You wanna borrow my lasso?"

"Yes!" Watts nodded enthusiastically.

"I... I don't know, beauty," Starla looked unsure as she stared down at her lasso. "It's not that easy to learn,"

Well, that and also because the lasso she was holding was her family lasso, handmade by her great-grandfather all those years ago. The lasso was precious, and it was very fragile.

"Don't worry, Starship!" Watts assured her. "I'm a fast learner! Pretty please?"

Starla was hesitant, but she smiled and handed over the lasso with a nod. Watts squealed as she took the lasso into her tires.

"Yahoo!" she twirled the lasso into the air. "Look, Starship! I'm twirling it! Like a real cowgirl!"

"That's great, beauty!" Starla let her worries die down as she watched her lover twirl the lasso around. "Just take it easy---"

"No worries, Starship, I've got this!" Watts spun the lasso around, from left to right and all around. "Wa-hoo! I'm doing it! I'm really doing it!"

Starla yelped and ducked as the lasso twirled everywhere. She moved a bit to get a distance, keeping a worried smile on his face as she gulped.

"Um, beauty, I LOVE you and your enthusiasm, but I think you should take it easy---"

"Wha---?" Watts turned to face her when she accidentally swung the lasso towards the other.

"YOWCH!" Starla yelped as the rope hit her eye.

"STARLA!" Watts dropped the lasso and ran to her lover. "Oh, I'm so, so, so sorry!"

"I'm fine! I'm okay!" Starla gave her a smile as she held her eye. "Just a bruise, that's all,"

"NO! You are NOT fine!" Watts shook her head. "Come on! Let's get to the garage!"


"Watts, beauty, I'm fine," Starla assured her girlfriend as the pink truck wrapped a bandage around her injured eye. "Sweetheart, I'm fine really,"

"Starship, you're eye is swollen," Watts whimpered, finishing up the bandage. "Badly swollen. It is anything BUT fine,"

"...okay, it DOES hurt," Starla sighed. "but after some ice and some rest, I'm sure that my eye will be fine,"

"Oh, Starship, I'm so sorry! I—"


The girls jumped at the voice and turned to see Speedrick driving over with a mockery smirk on his face. Starla glared at him.

"What's so funny, bitch?"

"You tell me, one-eye," Speedrick snickered. "You giving up being a cowgirl to be a pirate now? 'Cause right now, it suits you all too well! BWUHAHAHAHA!"

"Oh, shut up, you motherfucking son of a bitch!" Watts growled, confronting the bully as her electric tires began to spark up. "At least she looks better than YOU could ever be!"

"Pssh, as if!" Speedrick chuckled. "I would ALWAYS look better than this whore of a bitch any day," He then took out a mirror and smirked. "Even with my hair messed up, I am FABULOUS!"

"We'll see about that..." Watts turned to her girlfriend, still glaring at the jerk. "Starship, do you have your taser?"

"Never leave home without it," Starla smirked and handed a taser.

"Thank you, sweetheart," Watts smiled darkly as she turned to Speedrick, who was still admiring himself in the mirror. "Oh, Speedrick~"

"Yes?~" Speedrick turned to face her with his usual flirty smile when he was met by a surge of electricity. "GAH!"

"HA!" Watts smirked, strengthening the taser's power with her own. "This will show you to NEVER mess with MY girlfriend!"

"FUCK YOU BOTH!" Speedrick shrieked, the electricity causing him pain as he kept screaming.

Pickle, who had been passing by the garage, overheard their conversation and stopped by to watch the scene. He giggled, satisfied to watch the only monster machine he hated with passion get electrocuted with so much electricity.

"Hey, Watts!" he greeted the girls, driving in cheerily. "What did this bitch do?"

"Insulted Starla while she's injured." Watts toothily grinned. "And now, he's getting what he deserved!"

"I DON'T DESERVE SHIT!" Speedrick wailed, trying to pull away from the taser but failing. "FUCK YOU ALL!"

"Tsk, tsk, Rick," Pickle smirked and took out his phone. "Bullying is such an old school crime. And surprisingly, a very sensitive one for the police. After all, bullies don't deserve mercy when they have none,"

"BULLYING IS NOT EVEN ILLEGAL!" Speedrick cried out, still in pain because of the taser.

"Might not be in Velocity Ville," Pickle dialed the number. "but it is in Axle City, especially bullying women. Let's just say that some of the police are... feminists, and they also don't take bullying lightly, so yeah, you going to jail,"

"MOTHERFUCKING SON OF A BITCH!" Speedrick snarled before collapsing when the taser stopped shocking him. "FUCKING FINALLY!"

"Just be glad that I have some mercy on you, you bitch," Watts rolled her eyes as she handed the taser back to her girlfriend. "I could have you killed with the taser in a second,"

"I thought it was because you didn't wanna kill anyone in front of the 'innocent' little Pickle," Starla snickered.

"Well, that too," Watts shrugged.

"I don't mind if you kill him, Watts," Pickle grinned darkly as he set down his phone. "I've killed many jerks before, but maybe we should keep him alive for the police to arrest,"

"Agreed!" Starla nodded and took out her spare lasso. "Someone needs to tie him up to make sure he doesn't escape,"

"Oh NO, I'm not touching another lasso for as long as you're injured!" Watts shook her head.

"I'll do it! I'll do it!" Pickle volunteered, taking the lasso and smirking. "And I know JUST how to tie him up,"

And that's how the police discovered Speedrick tied up and gagged to the ceiling of the garage, with a paper on his face that said 'I'M A MOTHERFUCKING BULLY AND I HATE WOMEN.'

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