Hurt And Traumatized (Crickle)

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WeirdoAndLovingIt: Can you do a Crickle one with Speedrick hate? Where Speedrick is, like, disguised as monster machine thanks to Blaze and AJ, and while Blaze is giving him a tour, he sees Crusher and gets interested. When Blaze and AJ leave him be for a while, Speedrick goes to follow Crusher home and hurts him (you know how). He struggles to tell what happened, but Pickle and the others find out anyway


"So... this is Axle City, huh?" Speedrick asked, feeling uninterested as he followed after his friends in his large monster machine form. "It's quite... interesting, I suppose,"

"It has more buildings and less race tracks than Velocity Ville, but the roads here are still sturdy enough to race through when necessary," Blaze said.

"Let's show him the Monster Dome, Blaze," AJ suggested. "I'm sure that'll catch his attention,"

"The Monster what?" Speedrick raised an eyebrow.

"Ooh! Good idea, AJ!" Blaze grinned, turning to a direction. "The Monster Dome is where races usually take place. It's got the best race tracks here in Axle City!"

"Well, that DOES sound interesting," Speedrick grinned as he drove with the duo towards a large dome.

They entered the Monster Dome, and Speedrick looked around to see the race track. It wasn't AS impressive as the tracks in Velocity Ville and was more closed in than the tracks he was used to, but it WAS impressive enough. He turned to back to his friends, who were busy explaining to him about all the races and all the other things that the Monster Dome hosted. Their words were all blurred, and he found himself ready to yawn at their explanations as they dragged on and on until they left the Monster Dome.

They were soon passing by the park. Blaze and AJ were showing him parts of the park like the pond, the loops and etc. Speedrick was growing more bored by the minute as he dragged himself behind them. He started to look around for something to entertain him when some dark blue caught his eye. He stopped in his tracks and backed up to get a clearer look.

He found Crusher under a tree. He was laying down on the grass and peacefully reading a book that he had set down on the grass.

Speedrick was surprised at how much the dark blue truck was catching his attention, his larger form making him confident and wanting to take the other right there and then. He knew that his lust had always been strong, but his truck form seemed to have empowered himself greatly.

"Speedrick? You alright?"

The monster machine-turned race car turned to see Blaze and AJ driving back towards him.

"What's up?" AJ asked.

"Nothing... much," Speedrick glanced over at Crusher again. "Who's the lightning boy?"

"That's Crusher," Blaze answered. "He's our friend/racing rival. I wouldn't interrupt him while he's reading, though. He takes his reading seriously,"

"Oh, he races too?" Speedrick's eyebrows lit up, his interest peaking.

"In a way, yes," AJ nodded. "He actually cheats during the races and can be egotistic at times. Well, almost ALL the time, actually,"

Egotistic? A cheater? Speedrick felt himself whistle.

'Seems like lightning boy and I have a few... similarities...~'

"Mm-hmm... I see..." Speedrick gave another glance to the dark blue truck, his lust fueling up his desire before smirking and turning back to them. "Well, how about we head back to the tour, huh?"

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