Assault (Human Blazington AU)

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Requested by anonymous


"Rick, I'm bored," Jason grumbled as he and Speedrick leaned against the wall of a building.

"Yeah, same," Speedrick rolled his eyes, flicking his maroon hair with the single yellow streak. "S'not my fault that there's nothing to do. The others bailed on us again,"

"Probably grounded for heist the other week," Jason huffed. "Psh, those weak motherfuckers,"

"I know, right— oh," Speedrick's attention was suddenly grabbed by a lone guy leaving out of the store, sapphire blue hair with yellow and white streaks on it as he walked off.

"Ya know him, Rick?" Jason raised an eyebrow.

"Darington, one of the goodie-goodie racers I'm up against at the races and a pretty reckless stuntman," Speedrick chuckled. "So, What you think?"

"He's sexy," Jason smirked. "Shall we?"

"Great minds think alike," Speedrick returned the smirk before the duo began to follow the stuntman.


Darington felt himself being followed as he walked down the street. He shuddered and proceeded to walk faster when he suddenly heard snickers and quicker footsteps. He swiveled around and growled.

"What the fuck, Speedrick?!"

"Hey, shooting star~" Speedrick crossed his arms with a smirk as he moved closer to the stuntman.

"What do you want with me?" Darington demanded. "And who's this with you?"

"One of my friends," Speedrick shrugged.

"Hey there, sexy~" Jason grabbed the stuntman by the wrist and kissed his knuckles with a flirty grin.

"Okay, yuck," Darington took back his hand and wiped it on his shirt. "I didn't even know you had any friends, Speedrick. I always thought that you were better off alone,"

"Eh, desperate times, I guess," Speedrick gave a shrug before licking his lips. "You going anywhere, shooting star?~"

"Home. Away from you two lunatics." Darington turned and walked off. "Goodbye."

As he proceeded forward, however, the duo also went forward, following his every step as they turned the corner. Darington grew annoyed as he heard them snicker and laugh at his annoyance. He shook his head and just kept moving forward to ignore them.

After a while, however, Jason grew bored of JUST following.

"Rick, I'm bored again," he whispered to the other as he smirked. "Let's... have a little fun with sexy here~"

"Oh, I thought you'd never ask," Speedrick chuckled and went on forward towards the stuntman.

Darington was just about to turn to another corner when he was suddenly grabbed from behind.


Before he could scream, however, a hand covered his mouth shut as he was grabbed into the alleyway by the duo.

Speedrick slammed him to the wall, releasing his mouth. Darington gasped before snarling.

"Let me go, you BITCH!"

"Nah," Jason snickered, gripping tightly to the stuntman's pants while trying to remove his belt. "Where's the fun in that?~"

"LET ME GO!" Darington struggled to get out of their grip. "PLEASE!"

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