Insecurity (Blazington)

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80sPeach_Syrup: another au with darington feeling insecure about himself compared to stripes and blaze and has like a breakdown infront of blaze. And blaze comforts him


Darington felt weak as he forced a smile and watched Blaze and AJ take another win. He and their friends all gathered to congratulate them while Crusher cried in defeat with Pickle trying to console him. The stunt truck turned away from them to divert his focus back at Blaze.

He knew that he should be better than the dark blue truck. Better and stronger. Tougher.

He shouldn't give in to soft emotions.

"That was awesome, Blaze!" Stripes congratulated the red truck.

"Thanks, Stripes," Blaze grinned. "You were pretty close yourself,"


Darington glanced at both his best friend and at his boyfriend, the feeling of envy and self-doubt crashing down at himself. Stripes had always been faster than him and had always been cooler than he was while Blaze... Blaze had always been the best at everything and anything.

Even at his own stunts, Blaze had always been better... the best, honestly.

"Hey, Darington," the stunt truck jumped and turned to see Watts and Gabby glancing over at him worriedly. "you okay?"

"Oh yeah! I'm fine!" Darington forced in another cheery smile. "Just... a little tired from the race, that's all,"

"If you say so, Darington..." Watts still looked worried as she and Gabby watched him drive off to the red truck.

Blaze turned to his boyfriend and noticed the other's façade. He frowned.

"Darry, you alright?"

"Mm-hmm," Darington nodded. "Just tired, that's all,"

"Are you sure?" Blaze didn't looked convinced.

"Mm-hmm!" Darington gave him a grin. "Let's get home, shall we?"

Blaze sighed but nodded before turning to say goodbye to the others then the duo drove out of the Monster Dome. Darington watched as many trucks greeted Blaze with a cheery 'hello' and happy 'hi there', sighing before he turned away.

He didn't know how long he had felt the ache of insecurity. He had been in Axle City far longer than Blaze, practically had been born there in Axle City, yet not everyone liked him. There were even those who mocked him for being a klutz, for being a reckless stunt truck. Mocking him and telling him how stupid he was, how crazy he was, and how he belonged in the junkyard.

He had been there longer, but Stripes and Blaze were both so much better.

So much nicer.

So much friendlier.

So much more popular.

The other monster machines living in Axle City couldn't care less about how HE looks or what HIS achievements are. Not many of them would attend his stunts until Blaze showed up and attended them.

His stunts became so popular not because of him or his efforts, but because of his popular, friendly boyfriend that everyone loves. Because of the many times Blaze had to save his ass and get him back to his stunt.

They came for BLAZE, not for him.

"Darry, are you SURE that you're okay?" Blaze's voice managed to reach the stunt truck, causing him to turn to the red truck's worried glance.

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