Vengeance In Red (Blazington)

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80sPeach_Syrup: au where Darington somebody breaks into Darington's house, and there this wild goose chase and it all comes down to being speedick. so then blaze is concerned because he scared for Darington, he's become more upset and clingy AF. Blaze finds out, blaze comforts him as he does and then they take revenge on speedrick because he's an asshole


Darington felt his heart pound in his chest as he entered his living room. He found his window shattered and broken into while his floor was smudged with tire tracks.

A few minutes ago, he was in his room, preparing for his next stunt when he had heard a crash, which made him jump and freeze up in horror and worry. At first, he didn't want to think that it came from his window. He thought that it was from a different apartment, so he shrugged it off and tried to get back to his preparation.

When he heard a voice from the other room, however, that's when he realized that the crash indeed came from his very living room.

He glanced around and avoided the broken shards as he followed the tire tracks. It led him through the living room and to the dining room. The tracks stopped by fridge then made it's way around to his game room. He drove after the tracks and frowned when he spotted all of his video games a mess.

"Damn it," he groaned before turning to keep following the tracks.

He followed them through the exit and back into the living room. He looked around and found more tracks leading to his room. He stopped by the door, tensing up before he took a deep breath and entered his room.


Just as he said so, there was a crash, and Darington jumped as he turned to see his closet door open, and out came a certain monster machine-turned race car...


"Oof!" Speedrick hissed and glanced up at the stunt truck with an awkward smile. "O-Oh, hey, shooting star! What's up?"

"YOU will be when I throw you out!" Darington snarled. "What the hell are you even doing in MY house?!"

"Uh... got lost?" Speedrick smirked.

Darington was definitely not buying it. Especially not when his window was shattered into pieces like a broken mirror.

"GET OUT!" The stunt truck grabbed the other by the tow hook and dragged him out to the living room.

Speedrick yelped as he was thrown to the broken window. He groaned and cleaned himself up before grinning and grabbing the stunt truck by the tire. Darington was caught off-guard.

"W-What do you think you're doing?!"

"I'm badly injured, shooting star~" Speedrick purred, pulling him closer. "Maybe I can... take a rest first before I leave... on your bed, of course~"

Darington grimaced and tried to push the other away. The other was too close for comfort, and if the other got any closer, he would be ready to throw him out of his window.

So that was exactly what he did.

He gathered up all the strength he got and yeeted the monster machine-turned race car out through his window. He let out a sigh of relief and ignored as he heard the white monster machine's scream, turning away as he dragged his tires back to his room. He shut the door, a shiver running down as his spine as held himself, trying to forget about what had just happened...

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