Glasses (Crickle)

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WeirdoAndLovingIt: Can you do another Crickle one? Where Crusher needs glasses to see and that's why he stumbles alot, but he used to have bullies calling him names that's why he doesn't wear them. Pickle discovers this and encourages him to wear his glasses. Bonus: When he finally does and they go to race, some jerks make fun of him and whole squad goes OP mode XD


"Argh..." Crusher grumbled as he squinted his eyes at the mirror. "Dammit..."

"Crusher?" Pickle drove into the room, confused. "Sweetheart, what's wrong?"

"Vision's blurry again," Crusher sighed.

"Again?" Pickle frowned. "Love, maybe you should get some glasses,"

"Mm... no, no, I'm fine," Crusher shook his head and turned to drive away. "I don't need— Oof!"

He bumped onto the wall with thud, making him dizzy. Pickle winced before driving over to him.

"You alright, sweetheart?"

"M'fine," Crusher shook off the dizziness.

As he did, a oval-shaped case fell from his inventing pouch. Pickle's eyebrows raised in surprise.

"Huh, what's this...?"

"Hmm?" Crusher turned to his boyfriend, who took the case to open it, which caused his eyes to widen in horror. "W-Wait, Pickle, don't—!"

"Woah!" Pickle gasped as he took out a pair square-shaped glasses from the case. "You DO have glasses!"

"Pickle, please...!" Crusher snatched the glasses and the case.

"Crusher, since when did you get glasses???"

"Since... before," Crusher let out a sigh. "I never had good eyesight in my life. My eyes had always been a little blurry. Grammy gave me glasses to help me see better,"

"Why don't you wear them then?" Pickle asked, tilting his head.

"I..." Crusher swallowed. "Not many kids wore glasses. I was one of the unlucky ones. Mix it with my love of books, and I was labeled a book nerd. The bullies kept calling me four-eyes or nerd boy and names like that. Then they snatch my book or flick away my glasses or beat me up, whatever their moods were," He let out a sigh and folded his tires together. "I... I could barely handle it. By the 6th grade, I stopped wearing glasses and stopped reading books at school. The bullying stopped since then,"

"Oh, Crusher..." Pickle frowned and embraced his lover into a hug. "I had no idea,"

"It's... It's alright," Crusher returned the hug with a smile. "Since then, I... I was never comfortable with wearing glasses anymore,"

"Aw, but love, you NEED glasses," Pickle told him gently. "I mean, can you see my freckles?"

"Wait, you have freckles...?!" Crusher's eyes widened.

"How would you know if you never wore your glasses to check?" Pickle said with a sigh. "I've seen you stumble and fall, sweetheart. I KNOW that you need glasses,"

"But... But what if the others laugh at me?" Crusher whimpered. "What if I look ridiculous?!"

"I'm sure you'll look wonderful, love," Pickle reassured him. "Please? For me?"

"I... okay, fine," Crusher sighed in defeat and took out the glasses from the case. "but be honest with me, hon, if it looks ridiculous or not,"

"Alright," Pickle nodded and waited as the dark blue truck turned around and placed on his glasses.

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