Trans (Human Crickle AU!)

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(Warning: Sexual Harassment)


"Man, you're boring to be around, Rick," Steve huffed as he and Kevin strutted down the road with the jerk racer.

"Yeah," Kevin crossed his arms. "Guess rumor's are true,"

"Hey!" Speedrick snarled. "Who told you that?!"

"Dynama, after you broke up with her and cheated on her for  Glacier," Steve chuckled. "And even Glacier thinks you're boring sometimes,"

"Oh, har-har, laugh it up, motherfuckers," Speedrick growled.

Kevin snickered, but his attention was then swayed by Crusher crossing the street nearby, books in his arms as he walked. He raised an eyebrow before licking his lips.

"Hey, Steve,"

"What?" Steve turned to him.

"Guess who's coming across?"

"Hmm?" Steve looked over, and his eyes lit up before he smirked. "Oh boy, yes! Some entertainment!"

"Hmm?" Speedrick turned to where they were looking. "You mean, lightning boy over there?"

"Lightning 'boy'?" Kevin turned to him in disbelief. "You're an idiot, Rick,"


"That ain't a boy," Steve chuckled. "That's a girl,"

"Now look who's idiotic?" Speedrick hissed. "Even I know that he's guy,"

"Her name's Dynamite," Kevin crossed his arms. "Glacier and Dynama's little sister, but apparently she's 'trans' or shit like that, so she acts boyish,"

"But her body is still female," Steve licked his lips. "Let's show you what we mean~"

Speedrick raised an eyebrow as he watched Steve approach Crusher, who's hair was blocking his view as much as the books were. Steve tripped him, causing him to fall and drop his books.

"Goddamn it!" Crusher hissed and glared up at the other jerk. "What the fuck was that for, you ass?!"

"Just tryin' to prove a point~" Steve snickered and grabbed him.

"HEY!" Crusher fought to escape as the other dragged him off. "LET ME GO, YOU BITCH!"

"We'll have other uses for your lips, little lightning~" Steve grinned wickedly, slapping a hand on his mouth as Speedrick and Kevin followed behind.

They soon made it an abandoned warehouse and entered, locking the door shut as Steve pinned Crusher down, hand still on his mouth to gag him. Speedrick watched with a raised brow as Kevin joined his best friend, groping the dark blue-haired racer's chest. Crusher tried to push them away, but their grips outmatched him.

Suddenly, there was a RIP! And Kevin removed the broken binder, causing Crusher to whimper and tear up as he struggled more.

"Huh, he really is a slut, isn't he?" Speedrick's eyes raised with interest. "Mind if I join? I want the pussy,"

"Go on ahead then," Kevin smirked and threw away the broken binder. "Join us,"


"Blaze, I'm worried," Pickle sniffled his tears as he approached the other racers in Gabby and Watts's garage. "Crusher hasn't come to the race, and he's not answering any of my calls,"

"Huh, that IS weird," Stripes agreed.

"Where was Crusher heading?" Blaze asked.

"The library, to get new books for his collection," Pickle replied. "but he hasn't come back yet. It's been hours!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2021 ⏰

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