Chapter 17

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It was my last day in the hospital, and Erica and Bow Wow we're here to help me. I don't know where Becca ran off too with James but I have been seeing less and less of her and that bothered me. But Erica was such a sweet lady, she was caring and kind and gave great advice. She was here in the room with me while Bow Wow took Khleo home so he could wash up.

"Honey, please tell me how you're feeling really" she took my hand as she asked.

"I feel like crap" I silently laughed "but also sad and hate. I'm sad because I lost something I never knew I had, my baby. I feel hate for Khleo but I know I shouldn't be. But I do" I looked Erica into her eyes and she nodded.

"It's normal to feel like that Jesse. Let these feelings run its course, you will be fine. Just continue loving Khleo. He is so different when he is with you. He used to be this workaholic man who said he'd never be in a serious relationship or even get married. You changed that for him Jesse" I did?

"I didn't know that" I told her honestly.

"Bow has known him a long time, and he's told me a few things. But please Jesse let that hate go, and focus on the love you have. But you also need time to grieve for the baby that you lost. Even if it was for that short period of time that you had it. It still hurts" tears fell and she squeezed my hand, I scooted over and she sat in the bed with me. "It's ok honey".

An hour later the boys walked in and my tears had long dried. "Um something I should know about here?" Erica and I laughed, she kissed my head and hopped down. Then the doctor came in.

"Alright Ms. Adams, today is the day to go home. Excited?" I nodded yes.

"Extremely excited. I feel dirty and I just want to take a hot shower" I told the truth and everyone laughed.

"Well your wounds seem to be heeling the way I'd like them too. Your vitals are good. I don't see why you can't go home. Please sign your discharge papers and you can be on your way" I signed the parts he handed to me with a clipboard and handed them back.

After that he wished me luck, then a few nurses came in. They removed my IV that hurt really bad, they removed those sticky things from my chest that monitors your heart too. They told me they were happy to see me go and they left.

"I brought some sweats for you" Khleo handed me a small bag and I hopped down to go change. I stumbled a little bit since I haven't walked in a few days and he helped me.

I changed quickly into a new pair of underwear and a sports bra, and an old baggy shirt that smelled like Khleo, and my sweats. I came back out and a nurse had a wheel chair set up for me.

"Ready to go sweetheart?" I nodded and Khleo wheeled me out to his car.

I said my goodbyes to Bow Wow and Erica. "Remember if you need anything let me know, I'm here for you if you need anything Jesse" she kissed my head once again and I was in the car.

At first there was silence then I had to ask "Where is Becca and James?"

"I honestly don't know. James has been in and out of work. I'm not sure if they both are just wrapped up in themselves or they just don't want to talk to us any more" then he shrugged.

"I've know Becca for a while. I guess she just doesn't want or affiliate herself with you or me anymore. But she has always been like that" I looked out the window and it got quite again until he spoke.

"Jesse, please don't be mad. But um...I kind of moved all your stuff to my house. I want you to move in with me" what!? I quickly turned to him and he flinched ready for me to yell at him. I was going too, I really was. I was just too damn happy.

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