Chapter 13

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We had been back now for a week, and in that week I was thrown into work, and talking to my boss’s wife about the transition to clinical psychology with her celebrity clients. She said I could come with her to her practice and be able to sit in a meet a few clients. I had a week off anyways since it was going to be thanksgiving break next week.

Khleo left in the middle of this week to go back to the college campus and perform, he felt so bad about the situation with his ex that he decided to go without notice, only tell me of course and his team. I told him to be careful and to have fun. He called me each and every day and he was supposed to be coming back tonight. I had a surprise when he comes home, with Erica’s help.

I left work, to go home shower and change and pack an overnight bag. I took out the key to his house that James let me borrow and I started getting dinner ready. I decided to go with pasta of course, with some salad, homemade garlic bread, and my all-time best sausage with green peppers and onions. Becca and I raved about them the other day and how I hadn’t cooked them in a while, Khleo complained the whole day how he still hadn’t gotten to try them so I decided to make them for him. The house smelled heavenly and I set the table.

My phone buzzed and I checked it to see a txt from Erica, *Khleo is on his way, he should be there in less than 30 minutes, and he is alone. Have fun!* I smiled and ran upstairs to change into my cute little dress and heels. I was done by the time I reached the stairs the door opened, and in walked Khleo. He looked puzzled then turned to look at me and immediately he smiled and inhaled.

“Did you break into my house to cook for me?” he asked while I ran down the steps and jumped into his arms.

“Kind of stalkerish right? But no, I borrowed James key.” He set me down and I took his hand and we walked into the kitchen.

“Wow you did all this? For me? Damn I am seriously hungry let’s eat.”

While we ate I asked Khleo about his trip and he explained to me with such happiness in his voice. He talked about how the fans were amazed, and he performed to the whole campus, not just to people he who bought tickets. He said the fans were excited and happy. He talked about his fans with such love and adoration for them, he truly loved what he did, and I never doubted that he did.

“I am going to have you cook this like all the time, this is seriously good.” I smiled as he scooped more of my famous dish into his plate. “So what do you usually do on thanksgiving day?”

“Nothing really, used to go to my parent’s house and eat and hangout. But my brothers and everyone else have lives now so no one goes. Plus my parents usually go out somewhere now anyways. The past few years now I have just gone to Becca’s house and have Thanksgiving with her and her family.” The truth was my family isn’t quite as close as we once were. We were happy nothing had happen to split us up, but it was true everyone has lives now, but I still call and wish them a happy Thanksgiving. “What do you do?”

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