Chapter 9

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Work was hard the next couple of days, yes I got my work done and went to my meetings but other than that when I was alone or finished with my work my mind would drift to Khleo. The idiot who has me wrapped around his finger. I tried to let it go, but what he said that first night, how he acted at dinner, and how he tried to protect me from social media.

When I came into work the next day the environment was different. Every time I was around a student they would tell me that they saw me with the famous 'Khleo Thomas' they wanted autographs and the staff was shocked. Boss hasn't said anything yet and I hope he doesn't, but the office staff know and they look at me differently and they want to know how our 'love' blossomed. The headlines for the news articles were 'Khleo Thomas and new flame' others said 'Where was Khleo Thomas hiding her?' this is all extremely confusing.

It is now Friday afternoon and I am getting ready to leave work. But I am stopped by my boss. "Ms. Adams may I have a word with you?" he said and I said yes and he sat in the chair across from my desk.

"I think I know what you are going to say and I am sorry, I don't know what happened." I tell him and I sit down.

"What goes on in your personal life Ms. Adams I do not need to know. But please be careful. It is fine trust me, but please just be careful. I came in here though to tell you about a hob offer that I got today concerning you. If you accept it will take place within the next few months." A new job offer? So he was getting rid of me.

"You're firing me?"

"No I am not, I am letting you know about a job offer. My wife is a doctor, but she works with high class patients such as celebrities and other off the books people."

"Then why do you have this job?" I asked. If his wife is who he says she is then he can live off of her.

"Because I like the kids, this job is always what I have wanted. I like it here. But anyways she was looking to open a practice and she needs a clinical psychologist. You just got your degree and you are a perfect fit if you choose to do so. It will take time to open about a year maybe but I asked her and she would love to hire you on." He said with a smile.

"I would love to, so I can finish off the school year here and be able to make a smooth transition." I said truthfully this would be a great job, I can make double than what I make here.

"I will let her know, and that sounds great. Thank You Ms. Adams." He said getting up and I stood and shook his hand.

"Go ahead and leave, I will walk you out" he says, I stood and grabbed my things, put on my sunglasses and we walked out.

"Thank you" we walk out and head to the parking lot, once I am there we are greeted with reporters and paparazzi's.

"MISS WHAT IS YOUR NAME!" "HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN DATING KHLEO THOMAS?" question after question was thrown at me, and I didn't know what to do. My boss Mr. B took my arm and sort of shielded me away from them and led me to my car. I unlocked it and went inside.

"I will take care of it, just go on out. I will have to add more security and make them get out. Alright go ahead." I closed my door and headed out. What the hell was going on? How did they know I worked here? Things couldn't get any worse. My phone rang and I answered.

"Hello" I said.

"Wine and ice cream? I saw the paparazzi's and Mr. B told me." She said concerned and straight to the point.

"Yes" and she hung up.

Once I got home I headed straight into the shower and just sat there having the water rain down on me. It was hot and letting everything burn away. Until I couldn't stand it anymore and when my skin was a bright pink and red like a lobster I got out. I dressed in my sweats and tank top and headed into the kitchen.

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