Chapter 10

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I woke up to a sleeping Khleo next to me. Once we came into my room last night we stayed up just talking and we eventually fell asleep. He looks so young just lying there and snoring softly, one arm draper over his chest the other behind his head. He is shirtless and all I want to do is touch him, so I get the courage to do so out of nowhere.

I looked up at him one more time, ok he is asleep, and then I place my hands on his chest and traced each abdominal muscle. His skin was smooth and soft, then I trailed I down to his belly button and then to his V, god that was sexy. I noticed the hair that is right under his belly button, his happy trail. His happy trail was curly and soft, and leading right to under his shorts. So I went ahead and trailed my hand down and to the rim of his shorts, and his shorts seem to get tighter and I heard a sharp intake of breath. I looked up to see Khleo wide awake.

"Well hello there, good morning" Khleo said with a deep voice. Oh that may just be my favorite sound. He keeps that up he will for sure get what no other man has gotten from me. I slowly start to get up and he pulls me back to him.

"No don't stop, please continue if you want. No pressure." He said and I knew he meant it.

Was I brave enough to do it? To touch him down there? I wouldn't even know what to do, he would probably laugh at me if I just stared at it. But he knows I have never done anything like this before so would he help me?

"I can see the gears in your brain working it's ok you don't have too Jesse" he said starting to get up but I bravely pushed him back down and pulled down his shorts and out popped his private area. My eyes became wide with how full and big he was.

"Wow" is all I said and he just chuckled and took my hands and placed it on himself and his hands over mine showing me what to do. Moving up and down, his eyes fluttering shut. A while later he was coming undone in my hands and he was saying sweet things to me and saying my name.

"Damn Jesse that was um, yeah that was a very good morning" he smiled and walked into the restroom few minutes later coming back over to me and kissing me on the forehead.

"Would you like some breakfast?" I started getting up and putting my hair up into a messy bun. "Yes please" I heard from him while I left to the kitchen.

I put on some music and started putting together our breakfast. I made pancakes, bacon, sausage, and eggs. I hope he likes it. Khleo came strolling in and put his arms around my waist, and stuck his nose into my neck.

"This is a pretty site sweetheart, you in the kitchen cooking and me just standing here behind you." He said into my neck.

"Well I try" I laughed and I moved out of his touch to get the Orange juice and some cups. "Sit" I told him and he held up his hands and sat down while I poured both of us our juice.

After 20 minutes I was setting both our plates and we are in comfortable silence.

"Damon this is really good Jesse" Khleo said while wiping his mouth full and satisfied.

"Been cooking for as long as I could remember." I said truthfully.

"Women who cook are hot, especially if your wearing nothing but underwear" he says with a sly smirk.

"Yeah and what happens when you get burned?" I start to gather the dishes and take them to the sink.

"Ok I see your point, hey you cooked so I wash" he pushed me to the side so I decided to make coffee.

While making coffee I watched the way he was being so normal. He looked calm and relaxed. I was also watching the way his back muscles were moving and the way they popped out, the way his sweats were hanging low on his hips. Was it getting hot in here is it just me?

He loaded the dishes into the washer and wiped his hands clean and looked at me. I poured him a cup of coffee and handed it to him.

"It's nice to just get away and not be Khleo for a day." He said taking a sip of coffee.

"Yeah I bet your phone is filled with messages and missed calls" I joked but then he was running through the apartment into the room and reemerged in the kitchen with his phone.

"I turned my phone off, yeah have plenty of missed text messages, calls and emails." He kept flipping through his phone. "Apparently they are going to send the cops out after me if I don't call back, excuse me Jesse" he said and left the room.

30 minutes later he came into the kitchen.

"Jesse I have to leave today, I'm sorry the weather is supposed to be bad tomorrow so we have to leave today" he came over and sat next to me.

"It's ok I understand Khleo" he grabs my hands and bring them to his lips and kisses my knuckles.

"You are a great person sweetheart, I mean that. Alright well have a good rest of your weekend. Oh I might go online this weekend and do a live video for the fans while on tour. So if I do, please check in yeah?" he says and I nod. "Maybe after I will FaceTime you, because I will miss you extremely" he kisses my lips and heads off into the room and comes back out few minutes later.

He stops in front of me one more time and kisses me passionately on the lips "Bye sweetheart" he says and leaves.

What will I do the rest of the weekend? Few hours later after cleaning and washing some clothes my door opens and Becca comes in with Chinese food and I quickly recover of the loss of Khleo.

"Yeah James had to leave too, he told all the other guys he was here with him but they didn't listen. They were about to send the cops out to find him" we both laughed and she set everything down and we both started eating.

"So how was your night with Khleo?" immediately I felt my cheeks heat up.

"Nothing" I scoop a spoon full of fried rice and she knows I am lying.

"Liar! What happened?" should I tell her? I feel like that would be going behind Khleo's back but I know that I could also trust her. I chew my food and drink some water.

"Fine, we stayed up talking all night and then I woke up this morning and he was still sleeping. He was sleeping shirtless so I got brave and touched his body and then he woke up. That's it" she just shook her head. "Ok, ok only because I know what you're going to do if I don't tell you. I um...I touched him down there, and made him um..."

"You gave him a hand job, nice"

"Yeah well, he liked it."

"Honey any man you give a hand job too will like it. Especially bjs, now that he will just come completely undone with your touch." She smirked and we continued eating.

"Yeah well you know this is all new to me. So we are taking it slow I guess."

"It is going to have to be slow, he is a famous celebrity and I don't want him hurting you Jesse. He can have any girl and he chooses you, but what happens if he gets tired and leaves you for someone else? Just be careful ok? That is all I ask." She says and I nod.

Sorry for the short chapter you guys. But hey I haave some ideas what i want to do in the next couple of chapters, there will be some drama from both sides of Khleo and Jesse.

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