Chapter 15

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Did Khleo just say that he loved me? Do I love him? Of course I do, I just didn’t want to acknowledge that feeling, because there was always that chance that he might leave me. But now that he is confessing it, I do love him too. But what about Angela?  I turned and looked into Khleo’s brown eyes. He had his eyes closed and he had is head bowed down.

“Khleo?” he looked at me and opened his eyes.

“I know you saw the name, I understand if you want to leave. But I just had to say it Jesse” he looked so sad.

“Look Khleo I am not going to stand here and say that that didn’t just piss me the fuck off. But…I love you too” his looked changed from sad, to amused, then to serious.

“Did you just cuss?” he asked grinning.

“Yes I did so what?” I ask. Doesn’t matter that I cussed or not I just told him I loved him. “I also just told you that I love you too.” He smiled bigger and threw me onto his slightly small bed, and got on top of me.

“God you’re so beautiful sweetheart” I love it when he calls me that, makes me feel special. We heard footsteps and Khleo quickly got up and motioned for me to sit on the chair at the desk, he straightened out the bed and got a photo album and brought it to me, then the door opened.

“Dinner is ready honey, oh you’re showing her the album” she said and walked in to sit on the bed.

“Yeah never before seen pictures of Holes” I am super curios and I open it. There he was with each and every actor, but mostly with Shia Labeouf. Khleo is super adorable, those cheeks of his and his dimples, once I am done I hand it back to him.

“You look so adorable” I tell him as we walk out of his room to the dining room. As we sit down Khaleea runs over and takes the seat next to me, Khleo smiles and takes the other to my right.

“I want to sit next to Jesse, she is my new friend. She is cool because she beat all of you in the Mario racing game” everyone laughs and they ask if I really did and I say yes. Everyone passes the food around and then everything becomes calm and warm.

I mostly talked to Raquel and Khleo’s brothers and little sister. Once it was time to leave I gave Khaleea the biggest hug ever and she kisses me on the cheek. “I hope we can be your new family.” She says and runs off.

Khleo drives to my apartment and we have a few more glasses of wine and end up in my room in a hurricane of love. He not only told me but also showed me how much he loves me. Even though it is somewhat difficult to be dating someone who is in the public eye, I don’t mind anymore. It scared me at first but now it doesn’t worry me at all. Sure I see myself on social media, but there is much I could do about that.


Going back to work Monday was so hard, I enjoyed my time with Khleo but it was time for him to go back to work as well. He told me he was working on some new songs and new product designs for hats and beanies.

“Hello Ms. Adams” Mr. B came around the corner, “how was your thanksgiving?”

“Mine was wonderful, how about yours?” I asked him while getting paperwork out of my box in the mail room.

“Wasn’t long enough” I laughed at that.

“Well we do have Christmas break to look forward too, only a few weeks” I walked to my office and he followed.

“Are you still up for handing presents out to the kids on Christmas Eve?” of course, I was definitely looking forward to that.

“Yes Boss I totally am” I sat my paperwork down and looked back at him, he had this look on his face. “What’s wrong boss?”

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