Chapter 16

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Everything happened so fast. I heard my name being shouted over and over again and people coming near me trying to get my attention. I slumped to the floor staring at my hands they were filled with something red. Why are my hands red? Is that paint? Then I look at Khleo's and his are red too.

I look up at him and he is barking orders at people around me and he looks mad and worried. I want to run his face and tell him everything is going to be ok but I feel so weak.

"Khleo..." I softly say and he looks down at me and I can see tears pooling down his face.

"Ssshhh Jesse, everything is going to be ok sweetheart..." He takes my hand in his and brings my knuckles to his lips and kisses them. "I am so sorry Jesse...I'm so sorry baby"

"Jesse!" I hear Becca screaming my name and she crashes to the floor and grabs my other hand. James holds her and she leans into him. "What happened?! I just fucken talked to her like 10 minutes ago" she is now crying too.

I just realized I have been shot. No wonder, that red stuff was blood. Oh shit! I've been shot! I quickly start to panic and I feel my heart start racing and I feel the sudden urge to get up, but strong hands push me down.

"No Jesse, here come the paramedics." Just then I black out.


I look down at her and I can't help but feel broken. This was all my goddamn fault. I am literally covered in her blood and I can't do anything about it. Fuck! I caused this!

Now I might lose her, the only thing that has felt real in a long time. The only person to truly understand me and make me feel normal again. To not feel like a damn celebrity and to feel the need to throw herself at me.

"Jesse! Jesse wake up honey!" Becca yells just as the paramedics arrive and I look at James and he understands.

He stands and pulls Becca with him and backs up to give them room. I can't let her go though, I feel like if I do then I truly have lost her. I look up to see that the 3 paramedics are talking me.

"Sir we need to take her now, she has lost a lot of blood" I slowly let her go and Becca takes me and holds me close to her.

They rip open her clothes and start CPR and cleaning the bloody mess. I look away because she looks to pale...too dead I put my hands on the wall and just lean my head against it and try and take deep breaths.

"We need someone close to her to ride with us to the hospital" the paramedics ask and I feel a hand in my shoulder, I turn to see Becca.

"You go Khleo, I will be there shortly with James" she says her eyes already red.

I nod and head out with the paramedics. The next few hours went by in a blur, I answered questions to the best of my knowledge of Jesse and later on the police came to take my report and to ask more questions as well. I was notified that Jesse was headed into surgery to take the bullet out and that if there was anything life threatening that I would have to make a call. I nodded in understanding and signed some papers.

Around 3 in the morning Becca and James came into a room that was assigned to Jesse after her surgery. I was sitting down with my head in my hands and felt the couch dip and hands in my shoulder.

"How are you Khleo? This place is packed with guards" I looked up at her and couldn't help but break out into a loud sob and she cradled me into her side.

"Ssshhh it's ok Khleo, she is a fighter. She will fight through this." After a while I let go and looked up and realized that not only were Becca and James here, but also Bow wow and Erica.

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