Chapter 2

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It has been one long week, I cant wait to go out this weekend with Becca. I cant wait for this day to be over so we can go out and drink tonight. This passed week has been the longest week ever, work was hell but that was to be expected because it was the first week back from summer break. Interning for my third year in a row as an assistant to the school psychiatrist has been amazing, even though these kids drive me crazy I have missed them terribly. My first year I was at a middle school, and the passed two years have been at a high school. But that's not what else that has been bothering me, I couldn't stop thinking about that asshole Khleo.

Sure we had confessed something intimate with each other but that was just the heat in the moment, or maybe he had consumed a little alcohol and was just saying whatever he wanted. Also he is a celebrity and was probably just trying to get into my pants since I kind of interrupted him with that other girl. Whatever I cannot think about him, thank goodness I will never see him again.

"Come on Jesse, its time to go!" Becca ran up to me screaming into my ear. She got transferred to the same school as me on the first day of school and it has been awesome.

"Damn any louder and you could have broken my ear drum. I am just finishing up this students file and we can go, go wait outside." I told her because she shouldn't be in here while I am working on a file. She threw me a funny face and walked out closing the door. I finished up the file and walked out. I cant wait until the day I own my own practice, that will be the best day of my life.

"Alright Becca lets go." I told her and we headed out. I wasn't really dressed, it was Friday so the staff was able to dress casually which was awesome, so maybe I was technically dressed.

"Where are we going?" I asked Becca trying to figure out if we are going to go clubbing or to drink, probably both.

"Another party." she said and I shook my head.

"No, no that's it I am leaving bye." I walked away walking to my car unlocking it and getting inside. She grabbed the door before I had a chance to close it.

"You better follow me or I swear I will make your life miserable." she said looking scary and I knew she was telling the truth. "Well actually more like a little concert. Its called Scream Jam." I nodded and she went to her car and I followed her. About 2 hours later we were back in LA, I was so tired I just wanted to go back to Costa Mesa to my house and sleep.

"Alright you ready chica?" Becca asked and looped her arms through mine. "James said this would be fun, and maybe you will stop going crazy." James? Who the hell is James? Oh no please don't tell me Khleo was performing here tonight.

"You dragged me to one of his performances? I don't want to be here Becca. I knew you were stupid but I didn't think this stupid. Your trying to set me up with him aren't you? Fuck Becca I don't want to be here." I told her.

"He doesn't know you're here, I just want to see James perform and then we can leave, ok?" She asked and I can tell she really likes this guy so I nodded.

"Ok lets go." I said and we went inside. She had already bought the tickets so she knew I was going to come great.

It was crazy inside. There were many, many, and many women here. I looked at the sign and read who was coming, it was Khleo, James some guy named Special K and a guy named Ronnie. Never heard of any of them except for Ronnie I have seen him on Vine he is pretty funny. So am I totally a stalker now that I had started following Khleo on Vine, Instagram and Twitter? Yeah I think I am going crazy. I just couldn't forget what he had said 'you make me feel normal'. Was he playing me? He probably was so I pushed what I was starting to feel aside.

"Alright the performances are about to begin lets go." she said and we went into the crowd. We walked into a sea of women like literally there were a few men here and there but literally the place was packed with girls. I wasn't all that tall I was average about 5'5 so I could barely see the stage.

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