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HEY! It's Lila. Now enjoy :)

Backstory: Dream and Sapnap haven't seen each other in a long time and decided to have a sleepover.

TW: swearing



Sapnap reached for his phone on the coffee table and read the notification.

Dream~ Sap, be there in 5!!

Sapnap quickly threw his phone down and made sure everything was ready.

"Food-check. Movies-check. Games-check. Sleeping bag-SHIT! I didn't get the damn sleeping bag at the store!"  Suddenly, he heard knocking at the door. He opened it to see a tall, dirty-blond haired man with a cheeky smile on his face. 

"Dream!" Sapnap quickly threw his arms around the taller and squeezed. "Damn, how did you get so tall?"

Dream chuckled softly. "Nice to see you too, bud." 

"Oh, sorry! Uhhh, come in! Put your stuff wherever. Do you want something to drink? Or eat? or do you want to watch a movie?"

"Sap, chill. Just relax. Breathe."

Sapnap took a big inhale in, and let all of it out slowly. "Thanks. I can't believe its been so long."

"Yeah, same."

*Time skip- 15 minutes*

"Soooooooo... what do you have to eat?" Dream asked coolly.

"Umm, I don't really know. Just go raid the fridge and have whatever!"

"Alright, cool."

*After they finished eating*

"DAMN, that pizza was good"

"I know right!"

"Here I'll clean up."

"No, its ok Sap I got it."

Dream got up and started to clean up and head towards the kitchen. As he was walking there, he tripped on a divot in the floor, but he caught himself. He quickly reclaimed himself and walked into the kitchen. Suddenly, he heard Sapnap erupt with laughter.

He turned around and glared at Sapnap. "What are you laughing at?" He walked closer to see what Sap was looking at. Sapnap turned his phone to show Dream.

"Dude! Not cool! Delete that!" Dream whisper-yelled. 

Sap turned his phone back to him and just watched the video over and over. He watched intently as Dream trips on loop. "I think I'll send this to Karl."

"NO! DON'T!"

"...too late" Sapnap started laughing uncontrollably again.

"You ass! Now I have to put up with Karl making fun of me."

"Oops, sorry Dreamy"

Dream glared at Sapnap and quickly lunged for him. He bounced onto the couch and pushed Sap off. Sapnap quickly pushed Dream back and they both started laughing. Dream quickly put his hand on Sapnap's side and Sap started laughing hysterically. 

"Someone ticklish?"

"Hehehehehe--- no."

Dream continued to tickle Sap in the same spot for about  5 minutes,  then stopped.

"Hey what time is it?"

"8:30, why?"

"Movie time?"

"Movie time." Sapnap smiled. "We have The Notebook, Jurassic Park, Les Misérables or DOOM."

"Ummm... oh what the hell lets watch Jurassic Park first."

Sapnap put the DVD into the video player and crawled onto the couch. "Ready?"

"Yep! You gonna get scared?"


"Uh-huh. Okay."

They had watched about half the movie when all the sudden, Sap heard Dream yawn. 

"Getting bored?" Sap said quietly.

"Nah, just tired" Dream yawned again.

Sapnap turned off the TV and then looked at Dream. "Lets get you to bed. I'll sleep on the couch."


"I forgot to buy a sleeping bag so I'll just sleep down here."

"How big is the bed?"

"Umm Alaska King I think."

"Just sleep on the bed. It's big enough."

"Are you sure?" Sapnap asked, surprised at what Dream said.

"Yeah, why not."


They both quickly went up to Sap's room and got in bed.

"Night Sap."

"Night Dream!"

*The next morning*

Sapnap woke up and slowly went downstairs. He heard faint music and sizzling. He walked into the kitchen and saw Dream making bacon and waffles. 

"Morning, stranger." Dream said.

Sapnap softly groaned in response. Dream handed his a cup of coffee and Sap drank it.

"Thanks for breakfast and the coffee."

"No problem Sapnap."

*After breakfast and clean-up*

"I had a lot of fun" Dream said, prepping his bag to leave.

"Me too!"

"Hope we can do this again." 

Dream walked towards the door and put his hand on the doorknob. He turned around and hugged the smaller boy.

"Bye Dream!"

"See you later." Dream walked out, got into his car and drove off.

A/N: THANK YOU FOR READING!! This is my first story, so sorry if it was bad. Let me know what you thought. (667 words)

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