We Found Love- Skephalo

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I won't talk too much, I'll just let you read. (This is Lila, btw)

No backstory needed.
TW: Drinking


Skeppy threw on a dark blue hoodie and some jeans. He ran out the door and hopped into his car. He drove to the bar and quickly ran in, in need of a break. He had had a rough week, dealing with streaming, video editing and all of his fans messaging him. Skeppy's thoughts were interrupted by the bartender.

"What'll it be?"

"Uhmm... a shot."

"Coming up."

The bartender poured Skeppy a shot of bourbon, and Skeppy quickly downed it.

"Rough day, huh?" A mysterious voice said from behind him.

"Uh- yeah. I guess you could say that."

"I'm Bad." the man said, sticking out his hand.

"Skeppy." The blue-hoodied boy replied, shaking the other's hand.

"Dance?" Bad asked, half-drunkenly.

"Hell yeah."

Skeppy grabbed Bad's hand as they moved to the dancefloor, waiting for the next song to start. A few seconds later, "Classic" by MKTO started playing. The two boys started swaying to the music both smiling and having fun. Bad started mouthing the words once the chorus came on and Skeppy started laughing. Bad dragged Skeppy off the dancefloor and bought them both some beer. After a few rounds, Skeppy and Bad were almost completely drunk, laughing at anything and everything.

A man approached them a few seconds later and started hitting on Skeppy. Bad quickly scared him away.

"Why did you do that, Bad?"

"Because I want you to be mine, nobody else's."

"We just met," Skeppy replied, slightly swaying from all the alcohol intake.

"I don't care."

With that statement, Bad quickly slammed his lips onto Skeppy's and kissed him roughly. He then realized what he was doing and pushed away.

"I-uh didn't-ummmmm-"

Bad was cut off by Skeppy putting his lips back where they were on Bad's and they both stayed like that for a while. After they parted, Skeppy took a napkin and wrote his number on it for Bad to text or call him.

"T-thanks Skep." Bad said drunkenly.

Skeppy giggled slightly and planted a short and sweet kiss on Bad's lips. He then got up off of his seat and walked over to the DJ. He asked him to play a song then walked back over to Bad. He grabbed bad by the arms and led him back onto the dancefloor.

"What d-did you ask him to pla-ay?" Bad asked.

"You'll see."

A little while later, "We Found Love" by Rihanna started playing and Skeppy happily danced around with Bad, not caring what others thought. When the song ended, the two boys kissed and decided to leave. 

Once they exited the bar, Skeppy realized that he couldn't drive home, since he was so drunk.

"Do you have to drive h-home?" Bad asked.

"Yeah. But I-I kinda c-can't haha."

"I live dow-wn the road. Stay t-the night?"

Skeppy started to blush lightly, and then nodded. The two of them walked to Bad's small house and as soon as they walked in, Skeppy laid down on the couch and fell asleep. Bad lightly kissed his forehead and said goodnight then went to bed in his room.

The next morning, they both woke up around the same time, ate breakfast, and then dropped Skeppy off at his house. After Skeppy got home he received a text.

Bad- That was fun. See u soon Skep! <3

A/N: Heyoooo... thought I would write something happy instead of sad or angry. Enjoy Mei's chapter... It's a good one (like always)

Stay safe my lovelies! (551 words)

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